Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Free Stuff, Packages, Strawberries and Cous Cous

It's Wednesday! I've been having a nice week so far. Work is going well and the weather has been lovely which always cheers me up. On Monday I went to see a film called Wild Target with my friend Simon (Sven) and my boyfriend. I still don't know whether I loved it or hated it. I think I was the only one laughing (yet again). The boys didn't like it at all, they were only laughing at the goofyness of it. It was very messy and the performances were a bit all over the place, but I enjoyed it all the same, and I love Emily Blunt!

When I got home from the cinema I had 2 packages waiting for me (and one for my boyfriend). I got mascara that I ordered from ebay because it's one that's not available here. The other package I thought was going to be the other pairs of 50c fake eyelashes, which I actually received today, but instead it was black fake nails that I won from the Glamour Magazine website! It's really nice to win something, even if it is something small. I had great fun with the nails. I haven't used fake nails since I was about 13 and I think it was only the one time because I found them unmanageable to wear all day. However these ones, as well as being a great colour were nice and short so it doesn't feel like I'm wearing fakes at all. My boyfriend won something too! The package that arrived for him was a DVD of Where the Wild Things Are. He also entered a competition online. I can't wait to watch it again because I really loved it when I saw it in the cinema. I think the reason I liked it so much (apart from it being a great film with great performances) is that it reminds me of one of my favourite childhood films Labyrinth. The basic plot is the same, a kid having a hard time at home retreats into a world they've created in their imagination. I'll talk more about Labyrinth another time because I love it so much so I don't want to just skirt over it and leave it at that. Maybe it will be the focus of an upcoming Film Friday!

[You might remember these sunglasses from Sunday's post, I tried them on and went back and bought them on Monday because I liked them on me so much. They were €10 in the Market Arcade on Georges Street.]

Cous Cous- The Food So Nice They Named It Twice!
[with longstem broccoli, butternut squash, red peppers, sunflower seeds, pomegranate kernels, asparagus and lemon dressing]

My favourite cold drink- Diet Coke with ice and lemon slices

Strawberries for dessert

Yesterday my mam met me after work and we went to a little bakery in Temple Bar for lunch. We got coffee and sandwiches and sat out in the sun. Then we went and got iced mochas in Butler's Chocolate Café. I also finally got my hair cut professionally after 2 years of cutting it myself and letting it grow. About 2 years ago I got really bored with it and chopped it all off and totally hated it so I let it grow out trimming it now and again. I also gave myself bangs which I liked but they were too hard to look after because my hair is so curly I would have to straighten them every time I washed my hair so I'm letting those grow out too. I'm so happy with how it turned out. It took 2 and a half hours because I got it done in a hairdressing school so the lady who cut it was being supervised and was taking her time but I didn't mind at all, it was nice and relaxing!

That's all from me for today. I may not post again until the weekend because we're going to stay with our friend on Friday night. How is your week going so far?

Love Emma xxx

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