Saturday, July 10, 2010

If you could predict the future

Just a quick post before I watch the new episode of the IT Crowd. I wanted to share a music video that my boyfriend made with some of our friends earlier this week. It's the third in a series of videos he is directing for our friend Simon's album Bear Leader. The idea is to film Simon and various other musician friends playing versions of the songs from the album in a different way to how they are recorded on the album. I was originally singing and playing glockenspiel with him in this one but we had to re-record it because there were sound issues and unfortunately I was unavailable at the time of the second recording. It's great version of the song though (which I actually sang some backing vocals on the album version). You can see the other videos on Singing Street Signs, which is my boyfriend's blog that he shares with some friends or here on his vimeo page which has some other trailers and scenes from films we've done together.

If You Could Predict The Future from Donnacha Coffey on Vimeo.

I'd love to know what you all think! Hopefully I'll get to sing on another one of the videos.
Have you any exciting plans for the weekend?

I hope you're as happy it's friday as I am!

Love Emma xxx

Oh! I almost forgot! I saw the new She and Him video today and thought I'd share that too. It's terribly cute and such a great song. That and Home are my favourites from Volume Two. If you haven't seen it yet (or if you have) take a look and enjoy!

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