Monday, July 19, 2010

You Know You're Gold, You Don't Gotta Worry None

So it begins again, another week! I had a nice quiet weekend. My boyfriend was away so I caught up on Everwood and started watching Lost again with my sister yesterday. I only watched up to the third season so I wanted to finish it but I forgot everything that happened so I figured it would be best to start again! I'm also rewatching Everwood because I haven't seen the fourth and final season and RTE One is airing repeats of the entire show so I said I would watch that from the start too. I went to see Inception on Friday on a triple date with Donnacha, my sister and her boyfriend Eric and my friend Simon and his lovely Scottish girlfriend Shona who is staying in Ireland for the summer. Being a big fan of Christopher Nolan's work I was very excited to see his latest film and I am happy to say I was not disappointed. I'm not going to say much about it because I want to encourage everyone to see this and I think the less you know about the plot the better. I was very confused at first as it is a very high concept film but it's so worth it! Another reason I loved it so much was that some of my favourite actors were in it. Including Leonardo diCaprio (of course), Michael Caine, Joseph Gordon Levitt, Tom Hardy and Cillian Murphy.

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Ok, I know posting photographs of these men is a little unecessary, but they're all so dreamy, especially my new crush (well of the past year) Tom Hardy. He won me over when he played Heathcliff in an adaptation of Wuthering Heights last year and I've been swooning ever since! It helps that he's an amazing actor too. I also had a comedy double bill yesterday with Step Brothers and Hot Fuzz. Speaking of comedy, I think Friday's episode of the IT crowd is my favourite so far this season.

Today I got treated to a lovely lunch by my lovely mother. We window shopped and chatted and drank delicious coffee in Butlers and she surprised me by buying me my favourite lip gloss in Brown Thomas! It's Clarins Color Quench Lip Balm in Poppy. I've been using it for the past 5 or 6 years and it's by far the best lip balm out there in my opinion. It's a balm, but it's in the form of a gloss and smells so good! It's not as sticky as other glosses and really helps hydrate your lips with such great colour. Poppy is my favourite. It's a great pinky red colour. The last time I bought one was a year ago, but I lost it after only a week so I decided to not buy another one for a while because they're more expensive than the average gloss and I was sort of punishing myself for stupidly losing it. But the great thing is, you don't have to buy it very often because it lasts so long. Gosh, you'd swear Clarins were paying me to say this! Anyway I just wanted to share with you why it was such a nice surprise to get one as a present today!

What I wore to work today

No 7 75th Anniversary Nail Polish in Bobby Socks

My Favourite Wooden Bangle

These Babys

I did my hair like this, this afternoon. Well, my own version of it!

What's the best film you've seen in the cinema recently? I hope you all had a lovely weekend, I'm off to watch some X Files Season 7!


Em xxx

P.S. This post's title is lyrics from this song;


    keep it up!! great inspiration
    thanks for sharing as always!


  2. beautiful header! love it! nice outfit;)


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