Sunday, August 29, 2010

Gold Dust Woman

I can't believe I haven't posted since Wednesday! I just haven't had the chance until this afternoon. I found out on Friday that my shift at work will be changing from next week and I'll now be working a later shift every day. At first I was a bit taken aback because I hadn't been consulted about it until Friday. However after thinking about it for a while I think it will be a nice change in my routine. I've been working the same shift for the past 15 months so it'll be a chance to try something different and I'll get an extra hour and a half in bed in the mornings! On Friday evening I went out with some of the girls from work to celebrate payday. We got some food and some delicious cocktails including prosecco with raspberry and whiskey sour, yum!

Here are some more photos from the new camera, we messed around with some filters the other night and the results were awesome, but I want to take some proper photos with the filters to show you.

Myself completely make-upless staring at the computer screen

And I got to take some outfit photos yesterday before going to see Dinner for Schmucks (very weird film, but quite funny). Here they are;

I really think the red wall in the background looks like the sky when you glimpse at it

The Whistle of Love necklace from Jewel Me Pretty. I ordered another adorable necklace from the shop on Thursday. It' so so cute!

I kinda feel like Blossom with my hat on, but that's ok because she's awesome!

I got this satchel in the River Island men's section. It was nicer and less expensive than the women's ones. My mam told me today that it's exactly like the one she had on her first day of school! The one I got is sold out on the website now, I wanted the yellow one but they didn't have it in the shop

A side view of the bow on my hat. The guy said he can make them in any colour felt with any colour ribbon!

I'm wearing a very plain black dress, tights, grey socks, River Island two tone brogues and a houndstooth cardigan I got in work last year.

My lipstick is Revlon Really Red, in case you were wondering

Today I had lunch with my mam, dad and brother. Then they drove me out to the Ultimate Ladies Day Out in the RDS in Dublin. I only went in for about half an hour to get some cheap make up, Holly gave me her pass as she was working at it on Friday and Saturday so I didn't have to pay in! I got some Bourjois and Benefit make up because they had a promotion on where you could get 5 items for €10. A lot of it was the same stuff, but I got some nice colours that I know I'll use.


So how was your weekend? Did you do anything nice?

I'm a huge Fleetwood Mac fan, I grew up listening to them because my parents were always playing their music. I finally got to see them live last year and it was amazing!

Here's one of my favourite songs;

Emma xx


  1. Great outfit! Love the satchel and hat. :)SarahD

  2. That first photo is amazing. I love the background color.

  3. I'm looking for one satchel like that. The necklace is really original. Nice pictures!

  4. Lovely outfit! The hat and the red lips especially :)


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