Monday, August 23, 2010

Oh Mother Of Pearl I Wouldn't Trade You For Another Girl

I got my hat!!!

It was raining and I couldn't do a proper outfit shoot so I just took a quick photo in the apartment to show my mam because she was dying to see it.

Also, the necklace I won from Jewel Me Pretty on Etsy arrived today. I took some photos of the pretty packaging to show you because it was so nice!

I saw this written on the envelope and I just thought it was such a lovely touch

How adorable is the little tag? The whistle actually works! I love it so much. I'll definitely be buying something else from the shop

Thanks for all your lovely comments recently! How was your weekend?

I'm giving you some Roxy Music. I've been listening to them a lot lately because they're playing an Irish music festival called Electric Picnic and I can't afford to go so I'm a bit sad that I don't get to see them live, but there's always next time!

Have a great evening,

Em xxx


  1. Love the hat! you got a gorgeous necklace. SarahD:)

  2. That hat is killer. Nice score.

  3. Love the whistle necklace!! Its so cute :) I also love your blog, I just started my own and yours is really inspiring... If you have the time, stop by and let me know what you think :)

    xoxo Alexandra

  4. Thank you for the special mention, Emma :)
    I'm beyond thrilled you're loving the whistle necklace xx


  5. Utionifloc-wo-1979 Curtis Edwards link


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