Saturday, September 25, 2010

Let's Dance In Style Let's Dance For A While

All my TV shows are back for new seasons! The Office, Community, The League, Bones, 30 Rock, Delocated, Glee and Gossip Girl. Bored to Death and SNL are starting this week too! The only one that hasn't returned yet is Parks and Recreation which won't be back until January :( But I guess that's a good thing because I was a little overwhelmed with all the funniness! I am also currently watching Breaking Bad season 2, Medium season 1, Everwood season 4 and Arrested Development seaon 2 (for like the fourth time!). I know it may seem excessive, but you don't understand how much I love TV!!! I also saw The Town, Pyjama Girls and Going the Distance in the cinema this weekend. What can I say, I enjoy the escapism it provides. Not that I dislike my life, but I just get so invested in the characters. I think I've probably cried more watching TV shows and Films than I have about things in my own life. Okay, that may be an exaggeration, but it's almost even.

Todays post however is an outfit post. Here are some photographs Donnacha took for me today;

My jacket is from work as is my dress, my boots and tights are from Marks and Spencers, my scarf is from Accessorize as is my ring and my emerald necklace is from BrideBlu on Etsy.

Okay, so I know there are a lot of photos here, but I couldn't pick my favourites so I just put most of them up. What do you think? I just LOVE the new camera!

Hope you're having a good weekend. Back to work on Monday for me, but at least I know I made the most of my holidays.


  1. the photos came out great. I too cant wait for Parks & recreation to come back on, I loved that show but I guess The office will have to suffice for now

  2. Hehe, you really like your TV shows all right :)
    All I ever watch nowadays is true blood and I stream that so I hardly ever have my TV turned on anymore!

    And a great outfit, loving your boots!

  3. You are wearing such a pretty outfit! Love your boots and jewellery. :)SarahD

  4. Great look! That ring is awesome. And I don't know if I've said this or not but you have amazing hair. lol Just thought I'd let you know. :P


  5. Love Parks & recreation. Nice blog by the way!


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