Saturday, October 9, 2010

Fluorescent and Starry, Some of Them They Surprise

Today I had planned to take some outfit photos during the day but I didn't get a chance, so we took these in a lane near our apartment on the way back from the cinema (we went to see Mr. Nice).

I bought this polka dot dress on Ebay last year and altered it. It's not a great photo of it, I'll get a better one some other time!

I bought this Ruby Slippers scrabble tile pendant from Artyscapes on Etsy

So I dyed my hair tonight! I'll take some photos of it at the Vintage Fashion Fair in Dun Laoghaire tomorrow. It's not quite what I had in mind but I really like it. I already have another colour planned to try out once this one fades.

Is anyone watching the X Factor? Matt and Rebecca are my faves! Hope you're all having a great weekend so far!

This and Country Feedback are my favourite REM songs. Amazing Lyrics!


Em xxx


  1. Love the night time photos. Just discovered your blog, keep up the good work!

    I like your style!

  2. great photos, the dark sky adds a nice backdrop

  3. Emma your night shots look amazing. That second photo of you is completely stunning.



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