Friday, October 15, 2010

If You Wait Around A While I'll Make You Fall For Me


In today's post I wanted to share with you one of my favourite bloggers, Elsa Billgren. Elsa is from Sweden and works for Beyond Retro, a vintage clothing store with branches in Sweden and the UK and also writes a blog for the Swedish Elle site. Thankfully the language barrier isn't really an issue as my favourite part of Elsa's blog is her amazing photographs. I had been following her blog for a few months and a few days ago I gradually went through the archive and found some gorgeous photos. I hope you like them and I encourage you to check out her blog!

I love all of her delicious recipes

Elsa and her husband on their wedding day. Her dress is so beautiful!

This is my inspiration for my next adventure in hair colour

She has lots of Moomin mugs!

and the cutest outfits!

The thing I really like about Elsa and her blog is how fun it is, there is so much life in all of her photos and she's always smiling! I also love her style and how she manages to dress herself so perfectly, all of her dresses look amazing on her. What do you think?

I received more fake eyelashes in the post this week. These ones are way better than the other ones I have. They are more tapered so they get longer towards the outer corner of your eyes which gives a gorgeous doe-eyed effect. I took some photos of me wearing them yesterday and I tried to get a better photo of my hair so you could see the colour but it doesn't look much more different indoors so i'll try to take some outdoor photos at the weekend so you can see the colour properly.

Have you got any plans for the weekend? I need to clean my apartment :( but I'm going to see The Social Network too!

I'll leave you with a fave 80s song of mine to get you in the mood for the weekend! Enjoy!

Lovies, Em xxx


  1. those eyes are killer! i've always wanted green eyes [that idea resulted in an epic fail once my parents refused to buy me green contacts in high school..and once more upon the realization as an adult that the concept of sticking a contact in my eye isn't going to happen...believe me, i've tried!]
    so, kudos to you for rocking those gorgeous eyes of yours!!! :)

  2. Thank you Cayce! I do love my green eyes, mostly because I got them from my mom!

  3. I would love to venture into that bold red hair color too but I dont think it would go well with my dark brown eyes...oh well


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