Sunday, October 3, 2010

In Our Secret World, We Were Colliding

It's my 4 month blogging anniversary and my 50th post!

This weekend we went to Carlow to visit Donnacha's parents. It was a nice relaxing couple of days, we watched some movies, had dinner with his relations and had a look around the new premises of their business which they have just finished renovating. We managed to get an outfit photo shoot done too in the garden today while it was sunny. It was nice to get away for a little while and forget about all my troubles.

This is Donnacha's dog Snapper. He's so funny!

I got this scarf in a charity shop in Capel Street on Monday when Holly and I went looking for something for her to wear to a job interview

I got this blouse in work last week, I love all the little detail on the chest

I noticed this wasp shadow on my arm in one of the dud photos and then when I looked at it more closely I saw the wasp too.
It kind of looks like I have a wasp tattoo

How was your weekend? I can't believe it's already October!!! I'll leave you with some Peter Gabriel, I grew up listening to my Dad play his stuff and I am now a huge fan. I finally got to see him play in Dubln a few years ago.

Night night, Em xxx


  1. Oh wow, It's such a lovely Blog you have here! xx, Alice from bells and whistles
    Ps: Feel free to check out my Blog and if you want to follow me I would be so glad :)

  2. I love all your pictures! Would you mind telling me what program you use to give them the rounded edge and that sort of faded, contrast look? Thank you!!

    Also, do you have any suggestions for my blog? I really look to yours as one of my inspirations :)

    xoxo Alexandra


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