Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Some New Things

Here are some things I bought in work recently

Simple Lace Alice Band

I couldn't resist the green-eyed kitty ring and how cute is the doll's house pendant? I was so excited when I discovered that it opened up to reveal the inside of a doll's house.

Today it was raining very heavily all day so I stayed at home after work and had a lovely nap and then watched the new episode of Bored to Death and started season one of Mad Men. We also had some friends over yesterday to watch the last episode of season three of Breaking Bad which was unbelievably good and the pilot of Walking Dead. Now I'm going to have a mug of orange, mango and cinnamon tea and watch some X-Files before bed! I'm TV show crazy right now!

Hope you had a good start to the week!

Love, Em xxx


  1. I love the kitty ring! And the doll house pendant is so cute!


  2. this is awesome!
    thanks so much for your comment, you know i'll be back here again for sure!


  3. Wow, the little doll's house is AMAZING!



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