Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Weekend

This post is a few days overdue but better late than never! I think everyone has pretty much forgotten about Christmas already but I wanted to share some more photos of Christmas day with you all and tell you about last week. We didn't have any water in our apartment from Wednesday until yesterday. It wasn't even because of the cold weather but instead it was our landlord's fault and it made my week a lot more stressful than it needed to be. Thank God everything is back to normal now! The sale prep in work went surprisingly smoothly. I got out of work at 5pm on Christmas Eve and got the train to Skerries. We all had dinner in my granny and grandad's house on Christmas day and stayed there all day singing and drinking and eating and playing games.

I got a lift home on St. Stephen's day because I had to work on Monday morning and Donnacha came up that evening too. The weekend went by a bit too quickly and I barely got time to relax but it was really nice to be home for the weekend and spend time with my family. I hope you all had a lovely time too. Here are some more photos from Saturday, some are from my sisters camera. There are a few goofy ones in there too (they're my faves!).

Looking at the dead bird

Two of my cousins, my two brothers and I

My Dad smoking a cigar

The prize from my cracker

Ben and Jerrys Baked Alaska!

The Smoking Man T-shirt Kate and I got for Jack

Most of my presents. Did you get anything nice?

On a very good note, it looks like my manager has moved to another branch of our shop! It's all very hush hush at the moment but we have a replacement manager for the next few weeks because our manager is covering for the manager in another branch for "a few weeks", which apparently is more permanent than they are leading us to believe. I'll keep you posted on what happens but everyone is so happy that she is gone!

I got some things in the sales which I'm hoping to show you tomorrow. I've also got a film post and an outfit post planned for this week.

Have you got any plans for New Years Eve? We're still working on our plans.


Love Em xxx


  1. The pictures by the sea are really beautiful! You must be very glad that your manager is being replaced :) Happy New Year!! We're celebrating it at an open-air event taking place in our capital city. x

  2. Thank you for sharing your Christmas photos! That was a special one of your dad with the cigar! You sure had some special gifts, good for you!

    The best news is The Manager is going to be moved! Happy days are here again! :-D

    Happy New Year ♥


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