Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Um, Circles and Squares

Last night we went to a The Grand Social for a night of comedy and music to raise money for the films Donnacha is directing in January. There were two musicians playing, a stand up comedian and a comedy improv group. There was a really great turn out and they made a good bit of money to go towards funding the films.

It was great to see some friends who I hadn't seen in a while. The venue closed at 11.30 and we were supposed to go home because I had to work this morning, but of course as these things go we ended up at another pub drinking some Coco Loco (some weird cinnamon milk thing) and Long Island Iced Teas. We also met three girls from Nashville who we adopted and took for 3am crappy Chinese food in the classy establishment that is Charlies 2 (there are 5 of them).

I crawled into bed at 4am and got up for work four hours later, so as you can imagine at this stage I'm almost falling asleep writing this! I'm pretty good on very little sleep though so surprisingly I was okay today. It was such a fun night though, I like those nights out where you end up going to places you didn't think you would or meeting new and interesting people.

So here are some photos that our friend Paul took with Donnacha's camera last night. The ones after the nice looking ones were taken on my small camera and aren't as pretty but are nice and fun.

Donnacha introducing the acts on stage. He was so nervous, it was adorable!

Simon plays under the name You Kiss By The Book. He did a slow version of the Arcade Fire song Sprawl II!

Ashley Strand

Johnny Fun

Princes of Lagos

Brendan, Keith, Lee, Donnacha, Emma and Niall

I love that I captured this adorable moment

I seem to have captured some really awesome candid faces last night

See what I mean?

My friend Maeve and I took a series of goofy faces photos, I was obviously one step ahead of her!

Maeve's awesome wallet

Me and my Coco Loco

Simon, Lee, Jennifer, Paul, Ashley, Shona, Me, Katie, Guy on Phone who wanted to be in our photo and Johnny

Today after a busy shift in work (I'm not complaining because it makes the time go so much faster!), I met my mam and we went to Avoca for lunch. We both got Carrot and Coriander soup, their soup is so amazingly fresh and homemade. You get 2 types of homemade bread on the side too. We also got a jug of homemade lemonade to share and a salad with warm chorizo, baby spinach, roasted peppers, sun-dried tomatoes, chick peas and smoked almonds with honey mustard dressing. It was soooo good!!!

My lovely mommy

Afterwards we did a little bit of Christmas shopping and browsing. I'm almost done with my Christmas shopping, I'm looking forward to wrapping all my gifts now (lame I know, but I'm a bit of a weirdo like that). I got a few bits in accessorize too with the end of my discount so I thought I'd show you what I've bought there recently since I kept meaning to and just never got around to it. Here's my new things;

Plastic Heart Ring

Parisien Glamour Flower Ring

Butterfly Facet Nugget Ring

Elaborate Ophelia Cuff

Luxe Cord and Chain Plait Bracelet

Dragonfly Long Pendant

Magicians Hat Long Pendant

Istanbul Chandelier Earrings

Enamel Daisy Cluster Stud Earrings

Rose Bugle Beaded Velvet Khaki Stole

And finally some seasonal berry flowers that my mam got me from the flower stalls on Grafton street;

Here's an awesome song, I've seen this guy play a few times with Andrew Bird.

Nighty Night,

Love Em xx


  1. Awww so many accessories!!! They look really pretty! And the photos are really funny and sweet ;) x

  2. A great post, I really enjoyed reading it this morning. The pictures were excellent and oh my goodness, that wonderful lunch! That is my kind of place. :-D

    Your mom is beautiful and sooo young looking! Loved your new accessories, too.

    Thanks ♥

  3. sounds like a fun night. I love nights like that too where you end up in random places with cool people you just met, its fun making friends in bars. :)

  4. I love the Parisien Glamour Flower Ring and the Enamel Daisy Cluster Stud Earrings, so adorable!!


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