Monday, January 17, 2011

Every Time It Rains- Part Two

After all my worrying about how the week would go, I actually really enjoyed it. The house was lovely as were the surroundings and it was great to get to know the cast and crew a bit more. As you do when you live with people in a small house for a week! To be honest I didn't really help out with the actual filming all week. I mostly watched Medium, took photos and listened to music while looking out the conservatory window at the water.

In the days coming up to it I was worried about lots of things in particular, people annoying me. The house wasn't all that big and there were 8 of us most of the time, 9 for one day and night and I am just one of those people who finds it hard when I can't control my surroundings. I worried about all sorts of things like people making noise and me, the lightest sleeper in the world not being able to go to sleep (which actually ended up being my only real issue one of the nights), I worried about us all sharing a small bathroom and about other people cooking for me which I'm very weird about and generally about people getting on my nerves by just being there. I am a worrier, that's just me. I think about every possible scenario. Like on the way home I wanted to be in the car with four doors instead of two so that if we crashed into a lake I'd have more of a chance of getting out of the car alive. When I told Donnacha this he was taken aback as to how much thought I put into these things. Crazy I know!

But in the end I had a really great time. Yes, certain people annoyed me at times but not all the time and I was able to deal with it. The bathroom thing wasn't an issue because I was the only one who prefers taking a shower at night and the food was great apart from an excess of a particular seasoning one of the nights.

I probably sound like a crazy person, but that's okay because it's part of who I am and I can't change it nor would I want to. The most important thing was that everyone was happy with how the filming went, which they all seemed to be. We still have about 20% left to film and we need to rent a bus for that so it won't happen for another week or so. Also Donnacha got a call from the actor today saying that he's starting rehearsals for a play on the 14th of February which will take up two months of his time which means he will either have to postpone or recast the second feature. I feel sad that he's got this conflict now but I also know that everything happens for a reason and that it will work out.

We wrapped on Friday in Cork and spent Friday evening playing Mario Kart, playing The Room drinking game (yes, we watched it twice in the space of 5 days), singing the Spinal Tap soundtrack and dancing in the conservatory. It was strange not having to worry about making too much noise because the nearest house was a mile away!

We made the journey home in 5 hours on Saturday morning. I was in so much pain from dancing the previous night and sleeping awkwardly in the car but it was great to be home, I had so much fun over the week but there really is no place like home :)

Here are some production/cast and crew stills from the week. Hope it gives you an idea of what we got up to!

Catherine and Daithí (Irish for David)

Francois, the camera op and DP. Donnacha and I went to college with Francois.

Dave, the assistant director

The stormy Irish coast

Lorraine, the sound recordist

As for my meeting in work, apparently it actually wasn't that big of a deal. I was meant to be told about it today but the managers didn't get a chance. Great news though, it's official, my manager has definitely left to work in another branch. We were all worried for a while that the rumour was false but we heard officially today and we were all so relieved. Here's hoping her replacement is nice!

We received a package in the mail today from our friend from Nashville, Katie! She sent a huge box of pressies for everyone. I couldn't believe how much effort she put in, I'll show you the goods during the week. I can't wait to send the girls their package!

I'll have some pretty photos to show you tomorrow. Until then...

Em xx


  1. I do the same sometimes, think way too much about unnecessary things and I hate myself for it cause it drives my bf mad!

  2. It was good to read you had a good time with few aggravations. I am like you about food, sleeping arrangments, bathrooms, etc.

    It sounds like me, you worrying about the two door car near the lake.

    Thanks for sharing the pictures, I like especially the one of you sitting by the sea.

  3. congrats on the almost completed project. i thought i was the only person who preferred to take showers at night


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