Sunday, February 20, 2011

To The One I Love Cherry Blossom Girl

It always makes me happy to see the cherry blossoms in bloom because to me that means Spring has arrived. Although from the temperature today you wouldn't think so! It was super windy and I was finding it hard to keep my eyes open for the photos and they kept watering up. We were going to try somewhere else for photos but at the last minute I changed my mind and decided I wanted to go to Dublin Castle and I'm glad I did because I think the Cherry Blossom trees fit in perfectly with the idea I was going for with these photos. Hope you enjoy them!

















You've seen me wear everything here before except the cardigan which I got in work a few weeks ago. It really reminds me of something Elsa Billgren would wear. Oh and I'm wearing a new shade of red lipstick, Revlon's Super Lustrous Fire and Ice which is a colour that Revlon first started doing in 1952 and have relaunched recently along with a nail polish in the same colour. It's a lovely creamy coral red colour that I think will be great for the summer instead of the matte Really Red shade.

I went to see Tangled and Never Let Me Go this week. Tangled was so cute, it's the first Disney film I've seen in a while that had the same feeling as the ones I loved as a kid (The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast). I was very disappointed by Never Let Me Go. I think it's downfall was the fact that it was adapted from a novel. It really felt like there was too much to explore in detail so they just skimmed over parts of it and you didn't really get a feel for who the characters were and to be honest I didn't really care what happened to them which is hard to do with me because I'm normally very empathetic with Film and TV characters. I didn't even get a little teary. That being said, it's only my opinion and I wouldn't want to discourage people from seeing something if they were planning to anyway.

I've got my next Film Style Inspiration post planned out and I'm really excited about it. Hopefully if things go to plan (ie. if the weather is good) we'll be taking the photos next weekend in a new location.

How was your weekend?

Back to work tomorrow :(

Emma xx


  1. The cherry blossom trees are really wonderful! Love your top and that lippie looks so good on you! x

  2. You have such a beautiful smile. It's freezing here at the moment, but your wonderful photos made me feel like spring is just around the corner! x

  3. You look absolutely stunning. That cardigan is so sweet, the floral print is lovely. I love spring, but New Zealand doesn't really get one, we just get rain! Oh and thanks for the link to Elsa's blog, she has amazing style!

    By the way, thanks for following my blog, it is always nice to get some support from other more established bloggers :-)

  4. the cherry blossoms look so lovely. I wish it was time for our blossoms to pop up but its still too cold. Your outfit is darling and the shots came out great. I am actually still trying to finish the book Never Let Me Go and will most likely see the film afterward although I am sure I will have the same reaction as you. Book to film movies are a tough thing to get right

  5. Love the post, the red was so pretty in the pictures and you looked beautiful, too!

    It is interesting about Revlon bringing back Fire and Ice, I will look for it here.

    Thanks for sharing with us ♥

  6. Gorgeous photos dear. You can really rock that red lipstick! Great post :)

  7. love your blog as always, i'll keep coming back!
    and i hope you'll come visit COSMICaroline again soon!


  8. I absolutely adore this whole outfit. The red lips are the icing on the cake! ♥


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