Monday, February 14, 2011

A Valentine's Meal

Hey everyone!

Donnacha and I had an early Valentine's evening this year. He was away for a few days at his parents house doing some filming for their business and just generally catching up because he hadn't gotten a chance to see them what with all of the film work he's being doing lately. So when he got back on Saturday we decided we didn't want to wait for Valentine's day to have a special meal and instead made it on Saturday night. We had lovely bread and Italian meat and steak and desert and sparkling rosé. It was so yummy! We also listened to our favourite romantic songs (and not so romantic- I put on the Lonely Island as a joke and sang the entirety of I'm On A Boat while Donnacha looked at me as if I was crazy as if that's not a normal thing to do.hehe!) and we danced for a bit. It was lovely to just spend time talking and listening to music without any other distractions. That's one thing I think a lot of couples have to find time for when they move in together. It's hard to designate time where it's just the two of you, no computers or TV or work.







Today we went for a walk and took some photos for tomorrow's Valentine's outfit post. We watched The Ricky Gervais show and Portlandia and then went to my sister's new apartment just down the street from us and helped her move her stuff in with my parents. My mam was very upset leaving Kate. It's hard for me to imagine these events from my parents perspective. I can't imagine having a child and raising them and living with them for 23 years and then they leave and that's a part of your life over. It's not like they'll never see eachother but it's still hard that in a way that's most of my mam's job as a parent done. Only technically though because we still both need her for so much. I talk to my mam almost every day if not every second day on the phone and she always knows what's going on with my life. I know it's hard for my parents but at least they know that Kate and I are both happy and are so fortunate to have found wonderful men to share our lives with.

We're lucky girls to have such amazing parents that have raised us so well and have equipt us to deal with occasions like this. It also helps that Kate is living on the same street as Donnacha and I so that she always has someone nearby if she ever needs anything.

On a different note, you may have read about the film Donnacha was directing in Cork last month. Well after much thought and consideration he has decided not to film the remaining scenes for the film and instead to concentrate on his next project. Without going into too much detail he just wasn't happy with some elements of the footage we filmed in Cork and didn't think it would be worth the time it would take to edit if the footage that was left was only 30 minutes long and didn't form a cohesive story. The film just wouldn't make sense and wouldn't be the quality he would be proud to show everyone. Luckily he is able to see the bright side in that even if a film is a complete disaster (not that this was), there are lessons that can be learned from the process that you can away from it for the next project which I know he will do.

I'm so proud of him in being able to make the more difficult decision and having to tell the cast and crew. It wasn't an easy thing to do but at least everyone had fun on the shoot and learned something from it.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I'm having an anti-valentine's day tomorrow with my friends. We're going for lunch and then to see True Grit!

More from me tomorrow,

Emma xx


  1. thank you for laughing at my VD joke. I thought it was funny :) Your VD meal sounds yummy and so very romantic. Thats what this day is really all about

  2. Glad you had a lovely Valentine's, you look amazing and you really suit the new Red colour!



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