Monday, May 30, 2011


Hello lovelies!

Did you all have a nice weekend? I was back in work today after my week off and as you all know it's difficult to go back to work/ school/ college after having some time off, but it does make me really appreciate my time off and I'm already planning what I'm going to do for my next week off. I had a really nice and relaxing week which included watching films, going for lunches and coffees, meeting friends, staying up very late and sleeping in.

I wanted to share with you some photos I took during one of my lunch/coffee days with Donnacha and our friends Niall and Emma.

Wed 25 1

I got a cheeseburger, yummy salad and fresh orange juice

Wed 25 2

Niall got a tandoori chicken sambo and sweet potato soup

Wed 25 3

My usual, a mocha

Wed 25 6

Pistachio and Chocolate Orange macaroons

Wed 25 7

Wed 25 8

Wed 25 9

Wed 25 10

Wed 25 11

We went to Busyfeet and Coco for lunch and then to a new coffee lounge called Accents. What sets it apart from other coffee places is that it stays open late every night and it also has a gorgeous lounge in the basement with bean bags and comfy leather sofas. It's a nice change from the over-crowded, uncomfortable coffee shop chains.

I wanted to thank you all for your lovely comments and well-wishes for my anniversary with Donnacha and my last Film Style post, I think I replied to everyone individually, but I wanted to say here how much I appreciate each and every one of you who take the time to say something nice to someone who you've never even met. I truly appreciate the lovely thoughts and comments you leave for me and it's my relationships with the people I've met through blogging that keep me excited about it every day!

Here's hoping you all have a lovely week!

Emma x


  1. Those lunch selections look delicious, Emma. I wish that I could have tasted your salad and fresh squeezed juice and Niall's sweet potato soup. Everything was nicely presented by the eatery and nicely photographed by you.

    This is an exciting time, Emma. As you pointed out here and on mine there is no shortage of generous, kind hearted people if you open your own heart and mind to the possibilities and give back that which you receive. Bless you, dear friend, and have a safe and happy week!

  2. A few things:
    1. That lunch looks delicious. 2. Getting some real quality time with your friends and partner is the best thing in the whole world. 3. Everyone keeps raving about macarons, I must find some to try STAT!

    And last but definitely not least, your Film Inspiration posts are amazing and I love love love them. So thank YOU for being so committed and putting them together for us readers. They truly are inspirational in every sense of the word.

  3. mmmm food. excuse me while I wipe the drool off my face. On another note, thank you for YOUR (I capitalized that because Kerry capitalized a couple words in her post and I wanted mine to be just as enthusiastic) sweet comments. :) :)


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I appreciate every single one!