Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Trá Mhór

Trá Mhór (Tramore) is in County Waterford on the South-East coast of Ireland. It means 'big strand/beach' in Irish and it really is a big beach! Simon drove Shona, Donnacha, David and I down on Sunday. He and Shona went surfing while Donnacha swam and I paddled and then went for a walk along the beach with Dave. It was sooooo (yes, four extra o's) windy!











We were really lucky with the weather because it was cloudy and raining most of the way down the the car (it took us two hours from Dublin) and when we got to Waterford it was sunny, still cloudy, but sunny. We all got burnt too, we all stupidly forgot to put on sunscreen because it wasn't sunny for very long.

I love road trips! I have more photos to show you from the road trip we took on Saturday. 

Emma x


  1. I'm starting to wonder if summer will ever get itself in gear over there, Emma. If it's not raining and cold in the British Isles it's blowing like a gale. I could use some of that fresh breeze here in steamy Florida where it's been unbearably hot and mostly sunny (too dry) for months! Good night to you in Dublin town, dear friend!

  2. Looks like such a fun time! We cannot take road trips here haha because the island is too small :)

  3. Looks so much fun! Oh I hope I will get the chance to travel to Ireland someday!

  4. by windy do you mean cold...cause that water looks cold. Either way glad you all had a good time surfing the waves and hanging by the beach. Bummer about getting burned, gotta remember to put on that SPF crazy lady!


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