Wednesday, November 30, 2011

And You'll Love Me 'Til My Heart Stops, Love Me 'Til I'm Dead

This is the first post of the Italy photos. It may take me a couple more posts to get to show you guys everything. I know you may not want to see so many photos but there were a lot more than this so really you're getting off lightly.... :O

These photos basically consist of our plane journey, arriving in Rome, arriving at the hotel and the first evening's festivities. Scroll down to read in more detail about everything!


The "new" Terminal 2 at Dublin Airport. It was my first time on a plane in almost 6 years. We got some breakfast (after staying awake all night), did some duty free shopping and got through security with no problems. It was a breeze compared to Fiumicino in Rome (which I'll tell you about later). We also met Jedward.



My mam's friend who is a beautician did mine and Kate's nails in Shellac as a treat. Kate got a french manicure and I got a bright red in 'Wildfire'.



The Italian coastline




I only just noticed our Aer Lingus plane in the background! I was quite excited as you can see!


Our bus, there was 50 something of us altogether!


The view from our room. We had to change rooms because our original one, as gorgeous as it was was too far away, up the hill and my knees were killing me walking up to it. 


This is the older part of the hotel where the Wedding ceremony and reception were held.


Our room was in the building in the front centre.


The pool and the building where breakfast was each morning.


This is the steps up to the apartment where Kate and my mam stayed the night before the wedding and where Kate, my mam and I got ready on the morning of the wedding. It was stunning, so rustic and so much character but unfortunately I forgot to take photos of it. 


This is the side of the building above.


This is the garden where we took all of the photos after the ceremony and the building in the distance is where the drinks reception and the food reception were.


The Bridal suite which funnily enough used to be a church!


There was old farm equipment dotted around the grounds of the hotel, it was such a nice touch.


This is the courtyard where most of the rooms were, the little gazebos were so cute!





My brother Jordan and Jack and my friend Simon who was the DJ for the weekend.


My friend Lisa and I, our families grew up together, she's my oldest friend and I was so happy she could come to the wedding!


This is the first thing Donnacha did when we arrived!


The rehearsal for which I was asleep. I hadn't slept in 30 hours at this stage and was very cranky so was forced to nap by my mother :)


Yummy food at the Welcome Barbeque, this is onion bread. So tasty!



Chunks of Parmesan! Amazing!


Martini Prosecco









We had to come indoors for the food as it started to get chilly outside. We had a buffet with steak, grilled vegetables, lasagne and salad. Seriously the nicest steak I've ever had even though I don't usually like it that rare.


The table decorations were so pretty and simple!


A few glasses of prosecco later....


Dessert buffet with the tiramisu Kate requested. 


We had karaoke after the meal. There was a Bridesmaids against Groomsmen challenge in which we each sang a song and then had to pick a second song for the others to sing. We sang Love Shack first and then picked Gabrielle Dreams for the guys. It was hilarious. We won.

So there you have it our first day in Italy. The hotel was called Borgo di Tragliata and it took about 30 minutes to get there from the airport and about 45 minutes to get to Rome city. The buildings in the hotel grounds are so stunning and our room was perfect. I don't think I could imagine a better location for a wedding, everyone was so blown away by how beautiful it was, we all literally gasped when we arrived on the bus. The photos really don't do it justice so I guess you'll all just have to go stay there some day!

If you've made it this far, thank you for taking the time to read about/look at the photos. I know looking at other people's holiday photos can be a bit boring but I was just so excited to show you all how beautiful the place was, I hope you enjoyed the first part of the Wedding photos series. Heehee!

How is your week going? 

Much love,

Emma x

Ps. The post titles are going to be song lyrics from songs on Kate and Eric's wedding playlist! Do you know what song it is?


  1. Hi there, Emma! First let me tell you that I laughed when I read about your mum sending you to bed for being cranky. I hope she didn't spank you first. (LOL) Secondly, your photos are never boring, nor are your words, and I for one share your excitement. In my experience the most thrilling moment in a trip by plane is the approach when you look out the window and gaze in awe at your destination, knowing that the entire adventure lies ahead of you. The pictures taken on the grounds of that magnificent hotel are simply spectacular. It's hard for me to believe the photos don't do it justice. It's my kind of place. I always prefer old, rustic settings to modern complexes and this place is extraordinary. I can't wait to see more!

  2. These photos arent boring at all. I loved looking at the venue and all those pretty and rustic buildings. I would love to stay in a place like that! I would pay good money to see video of that karaoke battle!

    Is the song the one by Deathcab...I am blanking on the name now.

  3. these photos are breath-taking! what a beautiful scenery for a wedding! looks like you had a blast..can't wait to see more!!! xo

  4. It truly looks like the most amazing place for a wedding <3 I am oh-so envious!

    Lost in the Haze

  5. Oh my gosh I'm so jealous! I'd LOVE to go to Italy. What a beautiful place to have a wedding. And so close to Rome as well. I hope you had a lovely time x

    Natalie | Just a Thought

  6. Im getting married there in 13 days ...such a gorgeous place ...thanks for ur photos xx

    1. I'm so jealous! Wish I was going back, it's just breathtaking! Congrats and enjoy every second of it!


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