Friday, November 11, 2011

It's All Legal

Hello lovelies!

I'm finally getting to post my first instalment of wedding photos after a bit of a break. We got back from Rome on Monday and ever since we've been busy editing and catching up on everything. I wanted to share with you a few photos from the Registry Office where Kate and Eric legally got married a few days before we flew to Italy. It was too complicated to do all that stuff over there so they chose to have a small intimate ceremony and lunch with just close family and friends to celebrate their legal marriage. They then had their blessing and vows before God in Rome (which I will share later). 

The ceremony in the registry office for me was a little overwhelming. I didn't expect to get as emotional as I did but sitting at the table with Kate, Eric and his brother (we were the two witnesses) and listening to the registrar, I had to fight back the tears. I felt very honoured to be asked to witness their legal marriage and it was very special to be sitting up close beside them and seeing them looking into eachother's eyes saying their legal vows. As quickly as it happened and as completely unromantic as the surroundings were, hearing those words and seeing Kate and Eric smiling at eachother was very very special.

I just included a few photos of the Registry Office because I wanted to keep the rest private for Kate and Eric, so here's a little taste;










Kate and Eric with family friends from South Africa Justin and Julie (Justin performed the ceremony in Rome)


Afterwards, because the ceremony was at 11.00, we went to a café and sat outside in the sun for a while (the weather was unseasonably warm and sunny) and then went to Crackbird for lunch. 









There are so many photos of Rome, I haven't even started editing them yet so it may take a while but I have some posts planned until I get them sorted. 

I just wanted to say thank you for sticking with me over the past few months. I know my posting has been erratic because of all of the chaos but I'm looking forward to planning some winter outfit posts, nail posts and even filming some make up tutorials! I really appreciate all the support from you guys and I'm going to get back into interacting with everyone as soon as I can!

Emma x


  1. This is a lovely post, dear Emma! Congratulations to the happy couple! I can see the emotion written on your face as you witnessed this ceremony. The tight closeups are particularly effective in conveying the mood of the day. You look very pretty as always. Your posts bring me lots of joy, dear friend. You are important to me and your friendship is a great blessing in my life. Good night to you and have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Congrats to the happy couple! Must have been so special moment for you (all), and your hair is so pretty!

  3. Lovely post and your dress and hair are beautiful

  4. Aww...these pictures are lovely! Everyone looks so happy - it's contagious.

  5. Hi Emma! Been thinking of you and the wedding. Love the pictures! I am sure the photos from Rome will be stunning. Anxious to see them, I can imagine it will be something to edit them and make decisions. I also enjoyed seeing your family portrait, you have a beautiful family! Take care ... glad you are safely back home! ♥

  6. What a lovely idea to have a civil ceremony then another ceremony in Rome. My cousin married his fiancee in Greece and did the same thing - it was just far too complicated with the marriage laws to organise otherwise.

    I'm sure it would also help take some pressure off the big day having the paperwork already sorted! Congrats to the beautiful couple.

  7. These photos are beautiful! I think that the vows have such power and magic to them that it doesn't matter where you are when they're spoken.

  8. You went to Rome?!? Oh man I am jealous! Congrats to your buddies and looking forward to seeing these pics. PS love your red coat.

  9. These pictures are wonderful! Everyone looks so happy :) x


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