Tuesday, February 28, 2012

New Video

Well this was not meant to take as long to edit/upload as it did so let's pretend it didn't....

If you watch please don't judge too harshly, I'm still learning! This is a great way for me to learn editing (with Donnacha's patience and help) and talking in front of a camera is something I want to do in order to challenge myself, because it may not seem like it but it is a huge challenge and as you may have noticed does not come naturally to me!

How are you all? I was diagnosed with having several small heel spurs on my foot which is basically overgrowths of bone and my understanding is that these cause an irritation and inflammation of the tendon in my foot and that's why it's sore. I had to get insoles for my shoes and the sad thing is I think I just have to be careful about my footwear, so no more cute shoes for Emma  :( I think it's got to do with a)- working on my feet and b)- my arches falling. This is my first ever diagnosis of anything so I consider myself very lucky considering the health issues I've seen loved ones go through for years. If that's the only thing that's been wrong with me in 25 years it's be pretty selfish of me to complain. 

In other news my work situation is stressful as we had a meeting this evening to discuss restructuring and cutbacks in the staff in our branch. Two people will be "leaving" and as of the end of this month my contract doesn't exist  within the new template so everyone has to sort of re-apply for a contract. We've all gone through this before but it seems worse this time. I don't know if I'll even have a job this time next month and the timing is crap too because our friends are visiting the week all the deliberations are going on so it'll be at the back of my mind the whole time. Having said all that I know I am not the only one going through this, not only are my colleagues going to be very worried but so are so many people today. I'm a fortunate person to have as much as I do and have a family and friends who care about me and I just have to be positive and say "Que sera, sera" as my mother used to sing to me when I was little. Whatever will be, will be. I have to trust that things happen for a reason and that everything that happens to me makes me the person that I am. 

I hope you are all doing better than I am, feeling sorry for myself, do you ever wish sometimes we could all just sit down and talk in person?

Emma x


  1. Hello, dear Emma! I'm so glad you put together a new video. Obviously a make-up tutorial is of little interest to someone like me but I watched it with a critical eye and ear in order to give you a review as I have done in the past. First of all you have never before looked this beautiful. Never! Every aspect of your appearance was perfect in my opinion. You come alive on video. This medium suits you very well. Your personality is pleasing as is your voice. You have a confidence that's very appealing. The picture quality was very good. I only have one minor criticism. Considering the 15 minute length of the video I thought you could have brought the microphone closer or otherwise improved the acoustics in the room because the audio was a little muffled and distant sounding.

    I had heel spurs when I was around your age and I remember very well how dreadfully painful there were. It was like having a toothache in my foot! I hope your insoles help and that you can find shoes that are both fashionable and comfortable. I also wish you the best with regard to your job situation. I'm very sorry that you have that or any other kind of distraction to deal with just as friends are coming to visit. My thoughts are with you, dear friend!

    1. Thanks for your well wishes Tom! I agree about the sound, I don't know what was going on so I think I'll use a zoom recorder for the audio next time! I'm happy you could appreciate the video since I'm sure it's subject matter isn't that interesting for a man! :)

  2. I will come back and watch the video later when I'm not in work but so sorry to hear things are so stresful for you right now, the job situation sounds very difficult and it's so draining operating in such a negative environment. Hope things start to look up soon xo

    1. Thanks Emma, I have my fingers crossed that everything will be okay! xx

  3. I always enjoy your videos. I've watched a lot of pixiwoo's videos, but never bought anything they've featured. I would like to try those brushes but I am sure shipping to the states would be pricey. So sorry about your heel. Not being able to wear fancy shoes is a bummer but really its not bad..I mean at least its nothing serious you know? As for the job situation, that has got to be wicked stressful. I dont know what I would do if my job was just kinda up in the air like that. But there really isnt much you can do at this point, so its best to try and concentrate on other things. I know that's easier said then done though. Sending you a big internet hug!

    1. Thanks for the hug ;) I have to just be positive, it's out of my hands at this stage! I'm pretty sure the brushes are stocked in the US, I'm not sure where though. They get my vote anyway! x

  4. a hug from me too, it sucks, I hope everything turns out for the best! Lots of love and think positive!


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