Sunday, June 17, 2012

A Little Chat

I wanted to do a special post just catching up and telling you what's going on in my life at the moment because there are a few things I wanted to share and I didn't want to just tag it onto the end of a post about something else. Don't worry it's nothing bad!

So first of all my blog is officially 2 years old! I can't believe I forgot about it again this year, I guess I was just busy gearing up for the Forbidden Fruit and enjoying my week off work to remember. Oops! Maybe next year, if I'm still around! 

In other exciting news, I'm going to Paris in November! Donnacha and I are going with Kate and Eric for a week including a trip to EuroDisney! I can't wait to recreate this with Kate...


Has anyone been watching Mad Men this Season? ( kinda spoiler alert so if you haven't seen it you may not want to read the next sentence). We just finished it and for me it was the best yet. Episode 12 made me fall to pieces, I think I cried for a half hour. But I'm very much looking forward to Breaking Bad starting next month! We've also been watching Homeland, we're only 4 episodes in and I'm hooked already.

I've seen some really great films recently too. Young Adult was incredible, Charlize Theron was so damn good in it and made me hide behind a cushion with cringeyness!  Womb which was the creepiest film I've ever seen. True Adolescents with Mark Duplass which I really liked. Some Days Are Better Than Others with James Mercer from the Shins was a cute indie film.  Also Everything Must Go with Will Ferrell which is such a a change from what he usually does, I love him anyway but especially in Stranger Than Fiction so I love seeing this acting side of him. 

Out of all the films I've seen recently Take This Waltz was my favourite. It's directed and written by Sarah Polley (who I love). I really can't recommend this highly enough. It's got the adorable and lovely Michelle Williams and Seth Rogen like you've never seen him before. I was seriously shocked by how amazing this film is, it really gets into you.

I've also seen some great films in the cinema including Beauty and the Beast in 3D, Jeff Who Lives at Home (the latest Duplass brothers film) was really good and it has Jason Segel so you can't really go wrong with a bit of Nick Andopolis, Prometheus and the gorgeous Moonrise Kingdom which was the most darling film. As you probably already know I'm a huge Wes Anderson fan, what blogger isn't really? The kids in the film, all of them were such good actors and I just loved the set design as usual! 

Another viewing recommendation I have just in case there wasn't enough there is The Staircase. This is an 8 part documentary about the death of a woman in North Carolina. That is all I'm saying because the less you know about this the better. If you can get your hands on it it's a great documentary if you're anything like me and are interested in true crime. 

My internet recommendation is for this tumblr. I hadn't heard of the 'Nancy' comics until I saw some scans from it on tumblr and I'm now obsessed! It's unbelievable how much I can relate to a cartoon drawing of a little girl. If you like Calvin and Hobbes you should definitely check out Nancy!


As for music, I've been loving Real Estate recently, I can't stop listening to this song...

I've also been filming a bit for Cock and Bull TV, here's one of the videos I helped out on recently, it's a great song too! 

Lastly I just wanted to talk quickly about how my blog content has changed a bit recently. Well not really recently but more like the past 6 months maybe. I was a bit worried some of my readers may not be interested in posts about make up or beauty products but then I realised that it matters more that I write about what interests me otherwise I'll get bored and won't want to do it anymore. The way I see it any style blog is the exact same as a beauty one, it's all about the look that we create for ourselves and about our personalities and how we feel on a given day. 

For me looking after my skin is one of the most important things because of my family's history with skin cancer and I get excited trying out new products and using old faithful ones again and again and I want to share my tips with people and not just keep them to myself. I enjoy deciding what lipstick I'll wear when I'm getting ready each morning or what way I'll do my eyes. For me make up and and clothes go hand in hand, every morning I think about what I'll wear that day and then decide on my make up or vice versa. I'm excited to have this passion because it makes me want to write.

It also struck me when I was at the Museum of Style Icons last week how important make up and beauty products were to icons such as Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe and how without they're signature "looks" they wouldn't be remembered like they are today. 

Every reader won't be interested in every single post a blogger writes but as long as you're true to yourself and your interests and you don't compromise then you can't go wrong! 

So after that monstrosity of a post please tell me how all you guys are, have you any film/music/tv anything to recommend to me? I'd love to know!

Emma x


  1. Happy two year blogiversary, dear Emma! I understand completely when you blog about lip color and nails, etc. I'm sure you understand if I decline to comment on posts devoted exclusively to beauty products just as I understand your absence from my blog at times. I am committed to our friendship and if you still are then we have no worries.

    This is an amazing coincidence! A couple of hours ago I finished watching the remake of Dawn of the Dead in which Sarah Polley, in an acting role, was doing her best to deal with the zombie apocalypse. The highlight was when she shot newbie zombie Steve (Modern Family's Ty Burrell) in the head as she had promised to do earlier in the movie. I love Michelle and Seth and am excited to see the Sarah Polley directed Take This Waltz.

    I also very much enjoyed this season of Mad Men and can't understand why one critic called it "not the best." I thought it was top notch!

    I grew up reading the Nancy comics and I'm glad to know you have discovered them and are loving them. Have a wonderful week ahead, dear friend Emma!

  2. Congrats for the 2 year blogiversary! I have enjoyed my time following and reading your blog ! :) You seem to be so nice and lively person! And I agree with you that bloggers should really write about the things that interest her/him, that's the way you find the people who are REALLY interested in the same things! :))

    Ladylike Delicacy

  3. Congrats on the 2 years! I love posts like this one, but don't have a problem with the makeup/beauty product ones. I'll definitely have to check out "Some Days Are Better Than Others," especially since Carrie Brownstein is in it too.

  4. Congratulations on the two years, dear Emma! I'm not much of a one for beauty products myself but I always really enjoy your beauty posts, so I think you're just right to stick with what interests you - it keeps your voice intact that way, I think. I'm very jealous of your upcoming trip to Paris and look forward to hearing all about it when the time comes! x

  5. Many congrats on reaching the two year mark! I am putting Take This Waltz on my to see list as well as The Staircase. I hope to see Moonrise Kingdom this weekend. It looks like its right up my alley. Oh and Nancy' comics are the best! There is this one where she is eating a ton food while watching an exercise show on tv. Hilarious.
    I actually really like your beauty product reviews. I've picked up a couple of the lipsticks you've recommended and I really love them. I'm kinda clueless about beauty products so I need all the help I can get. PS Real Estate rules. :)

  6. I LOVE Real Estate and I LOVED Moonrise Kingdom! Excellent picks! XOXOXOX

    love, polly :D

  7. and I also saw Beauty and the Beast in 3d...... what a magical experience. :) Now you've got me hooked on this Real Estate song :))))

  8. I'm so excited for you to go to Paris! I miss it so much, you are sure to have a magical time. I saw Moonrise Kingdom and obviously fell in love with it. As you know from my previous comments I also love Real Estate, they just make me want to be by the sea all of the time.

    Congratulations for Two years of your lovely blog, I always enjoy my visits here. I think if we lived closer we would be destined to be real life friends as well as blog friends.

    I have to say that I am a bit of a lazy 'beauty products' person and this is something that I have been meaning to change. I really want to experiment with more make up styles so i am very much looking forwrad to learning more from you. Hope you have had a wonderful weekend lovely lady.
    Love Kelly-Marie xx

  9. Happy anniversary Emma! I love the new direction of the blog - obviously I am a little besotted by beauty products but I really enjoy your reviews and the amazing quality of your photos makes them really stand out from the crowd. And thanks for all the recommendations here - I will be referring back to this post next time we're trying to agree on somethingto watch of an evening! xo


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