Sunday, June 24, 2012

Under Dormant Trees, Under Bright Lit Skies

I'm pretty sure this has been the second or third day we've had a bit of sun so far in June and when I say a bit of sun it rained most of the day and the sun came out twice to quickly dry the ground before it rained again. We went out to get something for dinner during one of the dry spells today and grabbed some quick outfit photos on the way since we haven't had the opportunity to do it in absolutely ages! I really want to wear sandals and nice summer dresses, it's so sad having to wear Autumn/Winter clothes in June. Here's what I wore today.









Blazer- Charity Shop
Dress, Shoes and Bag- Monsoon
Belt, Rings, Earrings, Bracelet, Scarf and Brooch- Accessorize
Lipstick- Revlon Cherries In The Snow
Nails- Catrice Iron Mermaiden with Essie Shine of the Times on top!

I've been on a bit of an accessories splurge lately with the gift card I received from head office for five years service with the company I work for. I didn't want to blow it all on rubbish so I decided to invest in a leather bag, the one above. I loved this bag when it came in and because of it's hefty price tag, even with our staff discount I never thought I'd be able to buy it so that was one thing I really wanted to get and it's something classic in a neutral colour that I know I'll wear for years. I've only bought one summer dress this season for uniform in work and I feel so sad wearing it in the rain so I haven't bought any other clothes recently, it's just so hard to know what to wear when it's hot and sunny one minute and cold, windy and raining the next! 

I've also been a bit obsessed with over the knuckle rings lately. I really wanted to get a  few simple silver and gold ones (mixed metals is something else I've been into), but they were a bit expensive online for what they are so I just got a few thin rings in smaller sizes in work and they seem to do the trick. Also how cute is the belt bangle? 

My hair is a bit mad. I've been waiting to get it cut for a few weeks so I'm finally going to next week when I get paid. It's been so dry since I starting dying it a year and a half ago and that's why I decided to grow out the colour and hence the three inch roots! The last time I dyed it was at the beginning of October last year and it's really grown out a lot since then but I don't want to give in and dye it again. I've been really trying to get it healthy for a while now using re-hydrating and moisturising hair products. I'm actually going to do a  haircare video soon to tell you about the different products I've been using. 

How was your weekend? We went to see The Five Year Engagement yesterday. I was surprised at how I reacted emotionally to the film, it's just lovely, not at all what I expected. Jason Segel seemed to be playing an older version of Nick Andopolis which of course made me fall in love with him some more. 

Here's a cool video...I'm a little obsessed as you might be able to tell...

Emma x


  1. Hello, Emma! That low angle shot of you on the steps is my favorite. You look beautiful and your hair style is gorgeous. I hope you don't get too much cut off. It really depresses me to know that you and my friends in England have been enduring so much rain and below normal temperatures lately. Seems your summer will be over before it even starts. After months of heat and drought Central Florida is getting pounded by torrential rain. Tropical storm Debby could dump as much as a foot of rain on my region this coming week. I hope your weather improves and that you have a safe and happy week ahead, dear friend!

  2. Oh man the weather sounds terrible. I hope the sun starts to make more appearances in your neck of the woods. Despite the crappy weather, you still look wicked cute. I especially love your scarf. I seem to be on a bit of a scarf kick these days. PS looking forward to your hair care video. I need hair help in the worst way.

  3. Nice to see an outfit post again. I agree that that the weather makes it so difficult to choose what to wear. Do you want to grow your hair back to its natural colour again? I can never leave mine alone. The longest I had it one colour was about 6 years when it was black. I'm already thinking what colour to dye it next! :)

  4. Emma,
    Thanks for stopping over at Daylily! It's so wonderful to get my first comment! I'm glad to be back and keeping up with everyone again...and I love your outfit here, great accessories. On a side note: When i stayed in NYC this past November I actually lived in one of the band members from Real Estates studio apartment in Brooklyn. Small (crazy!) world huh? :) I'll be back for more visits soon!!


  5. You are the accessories queen! I think your hair looks great - look forward to your haircare video xo

  6. New follower! Love your blog, your photos are great =)
    This outfit is lovely, I agree about wearing Autumn clothes in June though. How nice of your employer to send you the giftcard!

  7. Yay for more Real Estate! Your natural hair colour is so beautiful! Well done for sticking with growing it out. I don't think I could ever do that now as I am going Grey already! Can you believe it. My natural colour is not far off what I dye it so I guess it doesn't matter really.
    I know this weather is so annoying. :( So confusing. Your accessories are so lovely, I especially love the buckle bracelet.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend. xxx

  8. good job on the splurge! that leather bag is stunning and you can really stretch it out as far as seasons/casual/dressy....i love your layering on this outfit. i must admit that i am jealous of your weather because i'm suffering in 100+ degrees dog days of summer! :)

  9. You look gorgeous! lovely photos and i do love a good accessories splurge, its amazing how they can jazz up an outfit!:)xx


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