Thursday, August 2, 2012

Zara Taylor Jewellery

If you've been reading my blog for a while you'll know I'm a bit mad about jewellery. I tend to get a lot of things in work with my staff discount but I prefer to spend a bit extra and invest in unusual and good quality pieces. One of my favourite sites for getting really gorgeous jewellery is Zara Taylor. I've talked about her jewellery before and I've worn it in a few outfit posts. I've just added to my collection so I thought I'd share all of the pieces I own with you because I think they are so beautiful and unique and they make great presents (I've bought several things as presents for people). 




This style is no longer on the site, but there's a silver one








The ring above is my most recent purchase, I got it at 25% off with a code Zara put on her facebook page, so if you like the jewellery I'd encourage you to like her page as she does really good deals from time to time. Check out her blog too where you can get a bit more of an in depth look into the designs and Zara herself who seems like a really lovely person and has always been so friendly and helpful any time I've interacted with her. 

Hope you've all been having a great week. Mine has flown by! I've been very busy, spending time with family and I had a lovely meal for my friend Lisa's birthday last night. I also had a bit of a mad day in work today as I was coerced into doing some "modelling" for a lookbook the area manager is putting together to help staff with ideas on how to style their uniform. There was myself and another girl from our branch and then two girls from another branch and you might think having a blog with a 'style' element to it would make me the perfect candidate but it's one thing wearing your own clothes and having your boyfriend take your photo in a secluded area, it's another to have someone take photos of you in clothes you're not completely comfortable in on the shop floor in work! 

Luckily my manager let me choose the clothes myself and the ladies visual merchandiser was the photographer for the day and really put me at ease. I know it's not a big deal but I was so nervous! I really don't know how models do it! 

Emma x

***this post was not sponsored in any way, I just wanted to share the love!


  1. That's another attractive box, Emma, and the pieces you displayed below it are striking. The Sands of Time Pendant is very unusual indeed. With all the posing you've done in pictures presented on this blog I can hardly imagine you feeling ill at ease in any modeling situation. I'm sure you looked beautiful as always.

    (Thank you very much for the excellent comment you posted on my blog this evening, Emma. Your interest in the early history of the Dell house made Kathleen and mother Margaret happy and made me all the more grateful to have you as a friend.)

  2. Oh these are wonderful! I really like that bird pendant. so pretty and romantic!

  3. Beautiful pieces Emma - especially love that turquoise ring! The box is so pretty too xo

  4. They are all so beautiful! My favourites are The key to Oz, Dear Watson Pendant and the bird locket. The locket looks just like a vintage one I have. I'm not surprised you have started collecting her pieces they're so lovely and unusual.
    I have recently found a new love in Ovate jewellery. I am saving up for their Arial seahorse looking glass. I think you will like it.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend darling. xx
    P.S I'm not surprised they choose you to model, beauty that you are.

  5. Oh my!!! I remember when you first blogged about the Key from Return to Oz. I so wanted one but just couldn't afford it;( Now I'm re-adding one to the list. Does she still sell them? I MUST have one! When's my next wedding anniversary dammit!!! One of my favourite films ever xxx

  6. ohhhhhh I'm in love with that locket!!!! Anything that you can fit little photos into :)

    You know, I think she reminds me of myself a bit, too, but I wasn't going to say that in the post.... so you basically read my mind! hahaha. She is so very kind and polite. We were basically blown away. Thank you so much for your kind thoughts!

    love, polly :)

  7. I really like both rings you purchased. I'm not really a jewelry wearer but I am trying to incorporate more accessories into my outfits. Its tough though when you are so used to flying out the door with maybe a pair of studs on your lobes.

  8. I absolutely love the locket, is it a good quality? I've been after something I can store a couple of pictures in for a while but have yet to come across one that's a nice quality and a reasonable price!x

  9. I love all of these - especially the Watson pendant! I don't wear a lot of jewellery myself but I love the style of these. Your photographs are beautiful as always, too!


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