Sunday, September 30, 2012

July Glossybox Review

What with cancelling my subscription and everything I almost completely forgot to review the July Glossybox! I wasn't going to bother but there were some really great (and not so great) items in the box so I decided to go ahead and do a review anyway. 




I wasn't hugely excited about this Paul Mitchell Texturizing Sea Spray when I first saw it it the box. Mostly because my hair is naturally curly and I assumed these sprays were more aimed at people with straight hair who want some texture. I gave it a try anyway because I secretly have always wanted to try one of these products. I was really shocked with the result, it actually worked. My hair was not longer as curly as it normally is after air drying, instead the curls had fallen into a wavy texture. I was very impressed with this and it smells so good, but I decided to give it to my sister who has straighter hair than me as I figured she would get more use from it. If you want a texturising spray, I highly recommend this one.

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I was so excited to see a lip product in the July Glossybox. I think it's the first one I've had in a glossybox apart from a lip liner which was completely the wrong colour for me so I gave it to my mam. I don't hate this product but I wouldn't repurchase it and in fact I haven't actually worn it outside of my apartment in the two months that I've had it. It seems to me to be aimed at young girls with the packaging and scent, it's like something I would have bought when I was 15. It smells very sweet, it comes in a tube that you have to squeeze out and I always squeeze out too much and then you have to apply it with your finger which I hate doing with a lip colour, especially if you're out and you need to touch it up which is mostly why I haven't worn it out yet. This is a full size which according to the product list is £10! I can't see any woman paying £10 for this and what 15 year old girl can afford to spend £10 on a lip product? I tried to find somewhere that sells this and yet again, impossible! Glossybox really need to consider how accessible the products they choose are to their customer.


This is the only thing I've gotten in a Glossybox that I actually had tried before. I adore this NUXE oil. It smells so nice, it's multi use so you can put it in your hair, on your body, your face, your hands and cuticles. It's just an all around fantastic product. NUXE is quickly becoming my favourite skincare brand. The only downside to this is it's price which is €30.50 for the 100ml bottle and €18.50 for the 50ml bottle in my local pharmacy but it makes a great gift to get someone because it's such a treat. This is already on my beauty wishlist.


I had heard really good things about Monu skincare but as far as I know it's a salon brand so again not the most accessible of products. This is a green tinted cream and it's purpose is to neutralise redness in the skin. I don't suffer from much redness in my skin so I don't feel like I can properly review it. That being said it feels really nice and I did try it a few times when it was a little red after exfoliating. It also contains Rutin which is renowned for healing broken capillaries so I can imagine for anyone who suffers from any skin redness this could be a life saver. This is £14.95/ € 17.23 at full price, but you can buy it on Feel Unique for €12.06 at the moment.

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What can you really say about these skincare samples in sachets. I am never going to get enough product out of one of these to know that I want to spend a lot of money on the product. This Elizabeth Arden range is expensive and I didn't have enough in these samples to say anything conclusive about them. If you're interested in trying any of these products the sales assistants on the counter will usually be willing to give you some samples if you are nice enough to them.



I don't really know what to say about this except I hated it, but fragrance is such a personal thing so if you're interested in trying it please do (if you can find it). It's also super expensive at €100 for a 100 ml bottle. Not my cup of tea at all! If I was ever going to blow €100 on a fragrance it'd be Chanel Coco Mademoiselle.

So that's the end of my Glossybox experience. Having seen the August and September boxes I wasn't at all sad that I cancelled my subscription, I've saved €32 which will go towards some French goodies in Paris! Once again this is just my opinion and if you decide to subscribe you may find it more worthwhile than I did.

Are you subscribed? What did you think of the latest box?

Emma x

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