Saturday, December 8, 2012

Du Soleil Dans La Nuit


I think we all agreed that Tuesday was our favourite day in Paris. Possibly because it was the only full day that all four of us were in the city together. We did a lot of walking, saw a lot of amazing things and we were lucky that we had a beautiful sunny day for it!

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We started off the day taking the Metro over to the far side of the city to where our apartment was with the intention of working our way back gradually over the day. We began at the Sacre Coeur which is somewhere I've always wanted to go in Paris. The building itself is on a big hill beside Montmartre so once you get up all the steps the views are incredible! We were so lucky to have such a beautiful day and clear skies to see the views of Paris. We walked around inside the church and then ate our packed lunches on the steps whilst listening to a Spanish busker. 

After lunch we wandered around Montmartre and visited the Moulin Rouge and Les Deux Moulins, the café featured in Amélie. Notre Dame was next, followed by the Comic Book shop street, buying and eating pastries, Jardins du Luxembourg, a twilight stroll along the river to Pont des Arts, Pont Neuf and then home again. 

The pastry in the photo above is called Religieuse au Café. They are seriously so amazing, it's like a giant profiterole filled with coffee flavoured creamy mousse stuff. You might also have noticed Beemo in a little boat up there. Donnacha asked a little French boy if he could borrow his boat for a minute to put Beemo in, I don't think the boy quite knew what was going on!

I hope you're enjoying these posts. I can't wait to write my post on my tips for visiting Paris.

I mentioned a couple of posts ago that my brother was having health issues. He was in hospital last week and thankfully is now at home, although he still has a while to go until he's better. We were out visiting at the hospital every day which is why I haven't been commenting on your blogs (although I have kept up reading them!) and why I haven't posted all week. It's so heartbreaking to see someone you love so much in pain. We went to Skerries yesterday to see him and put up the Christmas tree. Everyone is very exhausted and upset over it but we're hoping the medication will work and he'll be back to normal soon.  

In other sad news, my grandad is also having health issues. It doesn't look good so we're all waiting to hear news about him. Needless to say, there's been a lot of tears and stress this past week and a half. We're all just trying to concentrate on the positives and hoping that this Christmas is a happy one for the family. 

How are you all doing? 

Emma x


  1. Hello, dear Emma! These postcards from Paris are simply terrific! I love them all, the daytime and the nighttime, interiors and exteriors. Imagine if Woody Allen's Midnight in Paris scenarios would have played out for you while you were strolling the streets after dark! I am very sorry to find out that your brother is still ailing but happy to know he's home from the hospital and getting better. I am also sorry to learn that your grandad has health issues. There's never a good time to have to deal with illness and death yet we occasionally do during the holidays when we should be celebrating. I should know because my father died on Christmas day. Amazingly, his father, my grandad, also died on Christmas day. Yes indeed, fate can be cruel to us at times, and yet all we can do is carry on and make the most of it. My prayers are with your loved ones and with you, dear friend Emma.

  2. OMG. Those cakes. Those Cakes!!! Yummm indeed!
    Looks like you had a fab time!!

  3. The photo's are as always amazing!

    Hope your grand dad is ok X Glad to hear your brother is getting better X

    PS: Sirius Black's wand!! GARY OLDMAN!!!

  4. Wow, gorgeous pictures! This is somewhere I'd love to visit some time x

  5. Also glad to hear about your brother! =) x

  6. Such gorgeous pictures Emma - glad to hear your brother is out of hospital but sorry your grandad isn't well. Must be such a stressful time for you, I'm so glad you had your trip to help lighten things a little xo

  7. Ah hope your brother is ok, thinking of you! All your pictures are beautiful we're going to go to Paris next summer can't wait!

  8. What wonderful photos.
    Thanks for sharing :)
    Wish the best with your family

  9. hi! you have a very cute blog! would you like to follow each other? i'll be very happy!)


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