Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Vingt Ans

We had already decided we were going to Paris when I found out it was the 20th anniversary of Disneyland Paris which made our trip there even more special! I had already been to Disneyland Paris twice before, the first time was when I was 9 and then second time was when I was 15. It was a completely different experience this time as I was going as an adult with a different perspective. There's just something about the place, it really brings out the kid in you! Despite the cold, cloudy weather we had an amazing day and I already want to go back again! 

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We got to go to Walt Disney Studios which wasn't open the last time I was there, I really liked this park as it wasn't as busy and there were lots of things I hadn't seen before and more adult rides (not that I went on many of them!). The best/worst thing about the WDS park is the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror. I was tricked into thinking it wouldn't be too bad, little did I know I would think I was going to die on it. It's seriously the scariest sensation I've ever experienced! I'm not a huge fan of rollercoasters mostly because I have a very weak stomach so Thunder Mountain is perfect for me and has always been my favourite ride. Temple of Peril and Space Mountain were crazy! Kate and I let the boys go on a few of the worse rollercoasters while we oohed and awed over things we would have loved when we were little and then we dragged the guys on It's a Small World for nostalgia's sake.

After three full days walking around Paris and Disneyland we were deliriously tired and almost feel asleep in our not so yummy Planet Hollywood burgers.

Have you ever been to Disneyland? Would you like to go?

Emma x

PS. I've had to add the word verification thing to comments as I was getting a lot of spam comments! Sorry I know they're annoying but if you have gotten spam comments then you know how annoying it is! Thanks x


  1. How BEAUTIFUL and so magical, I would loove to experience Disneyland someday! And that is such a great timing to go there, 20 years, it's same age as I am !:)

  2. Eeek, gorgeous photos - I'm not a fan of theme parks but looks like you had a fab time!!

  3. It's a small world after all, dear Emma. I live some 35 miles from Disney World. Believe it or not I have only visited the famous theme park once and that was before I even moved to Florida. It looks like you and your pals had great fun at Disneyland Paris. Is that the Psycho house? I always enjoy your whimsical poses and my favorite is you sampling the bright red candy apple. It's hard for me to remember that you need to bundle up most of the year in your part of the world. I am still running the air conditioner every day and wearing shorts and a sleeveless shirt! Have yourself a good night's rest, dear friend, and a fine week ahead!


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