Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Rest In Peace


Bartle (Bartholomew) Grimes 1931-2013

My grandfather died earlier today. We had just arrived home when it happened and were lucky enough to get to say goodbye to him. If only we could all be so lucky to die in a warm bed, after a long life, pain free surrounded by the people who love us. It was a surreal day and it made me think about how short life really is and that we should tell the people we love that we love them as often as we can because we don't know when our time here will be over. 

I hope you are all safe and happy and healthy.

Emma x


  1. Oh, dear Emma, I am so sorry for your loss! I had been wondering about your grandfather and hoping for the best. As you pointed out, he was surrounded by loved ones when he passed away and that at the very least was a blessing. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your entire family, Emma.

    1. It really was a blessing Tom. We've all been able to take solace in that fact and that we got to say our goodbyes! Not everyone is as lucky so I am eternally thankful. Thank you for your kind words, I know you can probably relate just as most people can so appreciate your words!

  2. Aw, I'm so sorry Emma. It's nice to hear that he died peacefully surrounded by loved ones. What a handsome chap we was too. Sending best wishes to you and your family xxx

    1. Thanks Lucy, he certainly was a handsome chap! :) Hope you're well!

  3. Kathleen Mae SchneiderJanuary 30, 2013 at 1:47 AM

    Dear Emma,
    Since I never got to know either of my grandfathers, I think it is wonderful that you had the opportunity to know and love yours. To have his caring family at his side when he passed away was your last loving gift to him. You will always carry a part of him with you in your heart and his legacy lives on in you.
    I send tender thoughts to you and your family at this sad time. May time heal - may peace come.

    1. You are so sweet Kathleen, thank you for coming over here to say that! I have to keep reminding myself how lucky I am that I got so many great years with him, probably his most happy and relaxed by all accounts. I didn't know my mother's parents at all really so it makes my time with my grandfather even more special!

  4. so sorry to hear about your loss!

  5. Ah so sorry for your loss but it sounds like he was loved and safe which is all we could ask for. Thanks for sharing the wonderful old photo too hope you and your loved ones are ok

    1. Thank you Yavanna! I'm so grateful that he was pain free, and sound asleep when he went, we should all be so lucky to have such a peaceful end surrounded by our loved ones!

  6. Ah Emma, I'm so sorry to hear this. He looks like a real character in the photo and it's obvious he'll be greatly missed xo

    1. He certainly was a character Emma! I've heard some really funny stories from some of his old friends over the past few weeks. I try to remember all of those things instead of feeling sad! :)

  7. Dear Emma, I am so sorry to hear these sad news. But it is nice to hear that his last moments were with his loved ones.
    Lots of hugs!


  8. Oh Emma, I just just scrolling down the "reader" and was struck by the handsome man in the photo, not realizing for a second it was your dear grandfather who had just passed away. Such true and important words you have written here about being with our loved ones in our final hours. Someday I would love to learn more about your grandfather. Take care ... and know someone in Tennessee is sure thinking and praying for you and your entire family. With love, Cindy.

    1. Thank you Cindy, you are so kind and I can't tell you how much I appreciate that people I have never met are praying and thinking of me and my family. I hope you and Clint are well! :) Hopefully I will share some stories about him soon. I've certainly heard some really good ones over the past few weeks from different friends and relatives!

  9. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Emma .. x

  10. sweet, emma..this brings tears to my eyes. i am so sorry for your loss. i lost my grandfather in september so i completely understand where your heart is right now. sending positive thoughts out for you and your family! xo

    1. I'm sorry to hear of your loss too Cayce! What I've learned from this is that everyone can relate in some way and that people know there are no words that can console you but it really helps me knowing people are thinking of me and maybe even remembering those that they have lost! :)

  11. Oh I'm sorry about your loss. I couldn't agree more about making the most of life and making sure people know how much you love/appreciate them.x

  12. Emma I so very sorry to hear your sad news. Loosing my Grandad was one of the hardest things I have had to deal with and I know that everyone understands what it is like to loose a loved one but it never makes it any easier when it's happening to you. Make sure you talk about it if you need to, don't bottle it up or try too hard to be brave, it is life and it is so important to grieve properly.
    Sending you so much love and you know you can always drop me an email if you want to talk to someone who's a bit further away from things. xxx


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