Wednesday, April 17, 2013

We've Got Eyes On The Back Of Our Heads

We took these photos in Skerries a few weeks ago when it was still freezing. It's now warmed up a bit which has been a very welcome change.


Jacket, Bag, Skirt and Top- Monsoon
Belt, Necklace and Fur Stole- Accessorize
Rings- Monsoon and Goodnight Macaroon (Infinity Ring)
Beret- eBay
Nail Polish- Bourjois Amande Défilé

I can't believe I haven't shown these boots in an outfit post until now. I got them back at the end of the Summer and I think I've worn them 90% of the time since then because they are so comfortable for my bad foot, especially when I'm on my feet all day in work. I really wish that I had bought a second pair for when these eventually become too ragged to wear.

I love emerald green jewellery, despite not wearing much green clothes at all. Every time I wear a piece of my green jewellery I think of that scene from Return to Oz where they have to guess which Emerald coloured items their friends have been turned into.

I just wanted to say thank you for all the support since my last outfit post. I mentioned that 2013 hadn't been a good year for me so far but I feel like things have picked up a lot since I wrote that post. I've been blogging like crazy, taking photos, writing, drafting posts and reading lots of blogs. I've finally been getting recognition in my job for all the hard work I've been doing and have been given more responsibility like going to other branches to do Visual Merchandising. Things are still up in the air for the Irish part of the company and I may be out of a job yet, but I feel like I've learned so much and have invaluable experience that if need be I can take to another role somewhere else in the future (although I'm hoping it doesn't come to that).

I have some trips away coming up (in Ireland but still it's nice to get away anywhere), one of which is to celebrate my anniversary with Donnacha (7 years!) so I'm really looking forward to those.

They say every cloud has a silver lining and I don't know that that's always true but I know that through the hard times I've learned to appreciate every day, make the most of every opportunity and spend my time wisely, doing what I love and with people I love.

I hope you are all having a great week so far!

Emma x

*Title is from Live in Dreams by Wild Nothing


  1. You always look gorgeous, Emma, and I am thrilled to learn about the ways your life is improving now. They say if you're going through hell... keep going. it makes sense because sooner or later the pendulum swings back and the good times are here once again. Now's the time to harness that momentum and create your own good luck by furthering your education, leaning new skills, networking and meeting new people who can help you on your career track. I am very happy for you and Donnacha as your prepare to celebrate 7 years together. Good night to you, dear friend Emma, and I hope to see you over at my place tomorrow!

    1. Aw thank you Tom, I'm certainly happy to keep looking on the bright side and be as positive as I can be! I look forward to seeing you over at your blog tomorrow!

  2. Oh wow 7 years! And you look gorgeous as always, I like the colours of this outfit a lot! And I spy with my little eye something supercool: your purse!

    1. It's great isn't it! It's my Mary Poppins bag, deceptively roomy!

  3. Hi Emma! More stunning photos from you and you looking as beautiful as ever. Your photos are always so sharp, I feel as though I am present. It is good things are looking up for you and that you are feeling optimistic and hopeful. I can surely understand how you could advance in your career. I have not been blogging much lately, hopefully later I am going to write on my blog about some experiences I am having. Congratulations on your 7th anniversary with Donnacha. Take care, Emma ... hope to see you again soon.

    Cindy ♥

    1. Thank you so much Cindy, you are so sweet! I hope you are well too, I look forward to hearing what you've been up to!

  4. The boots look amazing - I have a bad foot too and comfy ankle boots are a godsend. Great to hear things are going well and congratulations to you and Donncha, hope you have a wonderful anniversary! xo

    1. Thank you Emma! :) Yes ankle boots are my absolute favourite footwear! Although I am looking forward to wearing sandals in the Summer!

  5. Oh my goodness what a beautiful outfit! I love everything, your beret, the fur collar - that fabulous bag! The background in these photos is beautiful too, it really does look freezing where you are. The landscape where you live is like something out of a painting!

    1. Thank you! I love the background too, it's one of my favourite places in Ireland!

  6. Glad to hear you're in better spirits and that things with your job are progressing well. It's always a good feeling to get the recognition that you deserve for your hard work and what you're capable of doing. Love the colour of your jacket - been intending to find an item of clothing with that wine/burgundy shade, but it's been harder than expected!

  7. The whole outfit works so well. But I adore the boots, bag and green chain, they are fan.

    BookishTrish from Between the Lines

  8. what a beautiful outfit! I love the fur and your rings..... the setting is SO beautiful too, as are you!!!!!!

    love, polly :)


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