Monday, May 6, 2013

Around The World With Travel Supermarket

After entering the Worldwide Wardrobe Competition, the people from TravelSupermarket got in touch to ask if I would like to collaborate on a post about my dream shopping trip. It was hard to choose just one place. I would love to just jump on a plane to Paris again and shop on the Champs-Élysées or stay in London because I've never been before and go to Oxford Street. But for me, if there was one city I could shop in, I would have to choose New York’s Fifth Avenue. Find out why with this infographic that TravelSupermarket have designed for me and let me know if you agree!


Hopefully someday I will get to visit New York, but for now I'll have to just dream! Is there anywhere that you have always wanted to visit? 

Emma x

*This is NOT a sponsored post. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi, dear Emma! I hope you get a chance to visit New York at least once in your life. I've been there twice and remember strolling Fifth Avenue. With your love of travel and fashion sense you would have a ball in the Big Apple. After reading your posts about Paris, that would be the city I'd most like to visit in my lifetime. I hope you and Donnacha are both well and that you have a great week ahead, dear friend!


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