Monday, May 27, 2013

Will You Put My Hands Away?

Over the weekend we had some glorious weather here in Dublin. We took full advantage and snapped some outfit photos on Saturday before going to my aunt and uncle's house to celebrate my little cousin's communion.

HA17 HA3 HA! HA12 HA6 HA2 HA13 HA7
HA4 HA25

Dress, Bag and Bangle- Monsoon
Jacket- Penneys
Shoes and Sunglasses- Marks and Spencers
Earrings- Anthropologie (A gift from my lovely friend Ashley)

Saturday afternoon was spent talking, laughing, eating lovely food and drinking lovely wine in my aunt and uncle's back garden, it was such a nice day. Donnacha and I celebrated seven years together this past week by taking a little hotel break and going out for a gorgeous dinner. I also attended the Antiques Fair on Sunday as I won a voucher and complimentary tickets. I'm sure I'll be wearing the items I got with the voucher in a future outfit post. We've had a very happy, busy yet relaxing week and even managed to fit in some of the new episodes of Arrested Development before getting up at the crack of dawn today for a long day in work. Last weekend we had the pleasure of meeting our friend Ashley's parents who were here on  trip with some students from Nashville. They were so kind and took us out to dinner, then Donnacha showed them around Skerries on Wednesday. It made me miss my American friends even more but also appreciate how lucky I am to have met them in the first place.

How was your weekend?

Emma x

*Post title comes from my most played song on my iPod, Hands Away by Interpol


  1. These are lovely shots of you, dear Emma. The British Isles were long overdue for fine weather like you enjoyed over the weekend. I remember far too many picture posts in which you and your friends were all bundled up and wind swept. I am delighted that you had perfect weather and a nice and restful weekend. It makes it easier to start another work week, doesn't it? Congratulations to you and Donnacha as you celebrate seven years together. I wish you many more.

    1. Thank you Tom, yes having a great weekend makes it a lot easier to go back to work because you feel like you made the most of your time off!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Emma! I certainly didn't feel it having to constantly pull the hair off my lipstick! ;)

  3. You look beautiful like a 40's doll love this!!

  4. Love those sunglasses! Happy 7 years, this sounds like you've had a perfect week! xx

  5. 'romantic nineties' really suits you! And those pictures are amazing, kudos to whoever took them!
    What do you think of Arrested Developement so far? I finished the whole season in a 2 day marathon, oops, the story structure was genius, can't wait to watch them all again xx

    1. I love how you've given my outfit a name! my boyfriend took the photos, I agress he's quite talented at it (and very patient!) I'm gonna go talk about AD on your blog to make sure you see my comment! :)

  6. Congrats on your anniversary, lovely!

    You look absolutely gorgeous. And I am WELL JEL of the lovely weather you lot got! The weather was awful in Manchester this weekend. May is usually the best summer month in Manc however it's been a complete washout. SADFACE :(



  7. You look beautiful, I love your lips and ring and hair and shoes!

    Lovely blog!

    Love, Lou xxx


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