Monday, July 15, 2013

Let The Sun Wrap It's Arms Around Me

We went to Skerries last Saturday to get some relief from the heat of the city. We spent the day sitting on the beach and walking around the harbour and of course we stopped to take some photos along the way. 


Necklace, Earrings, Bracelet- Accessorize
Silver Rings- Vintage (bought at an Antique's Fair)
Midi Rings- River Island and Etsy
Ear Cuff- River Island
Sunglasses- eBay
Bag- Charity Shop (best fiver I ever spent!)
Sandals- Clarks

This kimono is something I would never normally go for but I saw it in work and I just really loved it. I thought it would be perfect to brighten up a simple Summer outfit and I've been wearing it loads so far this Summer. As you can see I'm really into rings at the moment. I love my turquoise Zara Taylor ones and my (new) vintage ones that I got with a gift voucher recently at an Antiques Fair in Dublin. I've been wearing them almost non-stop since I got them, I couldn't believe it when they fit me and they added up to the value of the voucher, I really got lucky there. I got these sunglasses back in March after searching "large white sunglasses" on eBay, they were such a steal at less than $3 with free shipping. I've seen similar pairs in a few different shops for a lot more money, I love eBay for getting great bargains.

I was just looking back at my last outfit post in May and I thought how funny it was that my style is so different in this one. That's what I really love about fashion/style, I love expressing myself and my mood through what I wear. It's so much fun! 

I've been wearing my hair up for about two weeks straight because of the heat. My hair is so thick that leaving it down is just not an option. The heatwave we had this past week in Ireland has been insufferable for me, like most Irish people I just wasn't made for this kind of heat, especially when we're not equipped with air conditioning. 

I've had such a busy week this week, starting with a picnic last Sunday with friends in the Iveagh Gardens. Our Summer sale started in work so we've been run of our feet. On Wednesday I went to the launch party for a new Irish website called Frillseeker, it's a great mix of beauty, lifestyle, fashion and other bits and pieces. It was a fun night and I got some lovely things in my goody bag that I've been trying out and loving, I'll definitely be doing some some product reviews on them soon. 

 We were in Carlow over the weekend and it was so hot, we mostly sat in the garden reading, playing with Buddy the dog and enjoying spending time with Donnacha's parents. We went to Skerries again yesterday to cool down. It was so nice to get some fresh sea air, we had ice-cream, sat on the beach, then went for a long walk on the south strand and home again for a barbecue with my cousins. The next two weeks look to be just as action-packed with some nice days off too. 

I've probably written a bit too much but I just wanted to catch up and fill you in on what I've been up to for those of you who were in any way curious. How has your Summer been so far? Are you enjoying the weather? 

Emma x

PS. I don't think I've mentioned it yet but I'm excited to tell you that I'm going back to Paris in November for a week. Donnacha and I are going with Kate, Eric and our friend Simon this time. I'm so excited to be going back, I can't wait to further explore the city. 


  1. Emma, you are gorgeous! Kimono,rings, glasses, the whole lot of it--I'm loving it.

    p.s. So excited for you about Paris. I adore that city.

    1. Thank you Rincy! I adore Paris too, I don't think I could ever get tired of how beautiful it is!

  2. Hello, dear Emma! The word gorgeous has already been used to describe your outfit and especially the kimono, but I can't think of any other way to describe the overall impact of your ensemble. You've got the knack, that's for sure.

    I'm sorry you're sweltering. As I reminded you over on my blog it won't be long before you and your friends are bundled up with your backs to the icy wind.

    It's exciting that you'll be heading back to Paris this fall. No doubt you will have learned from your previous holiday how to budget your time and money more efficiently and I know you will probably visit different landmarks this time. I look forward to the picture gallery.

    In case you missed my reply to your comment on my blog, I want you to know that I will be celebrating my 5 year blog anniversary this Saturday, July 20, and I hope you can stop in. I have a blog award to present to you in Saturday's post to let you know how much your friendship means to me and to acknowledge your blog for being one of the very finest. If you're on the go Saturday and can't make it over then I invite you to pick up your award at your earliest convenience in the week that follows. Happy Tuesday to you, dear friend Emma!

    1. I am trying my hardest to appreciate the good weather, but it's hard to when you can't get to sleep at night because your apartment is sweltering, this week has been much better so hopefully that's the end of the heatwave for the year! I'm definitely looking forward to re-visiting Paris and seeing places we didn't get to the last time. I'll be sure to visit you on Saturday, 5 years is a huge achievement!

  3. You look just beautiful as always, loving all the little touches with jewellery and that kimono is the BUSINESS!

    1. Aw thanks, I love it too, although my boyfriend joked that it makes me look like Scarface!

  4. Nobody I know looks this good at the beach.

    1. I may have been a tad overdressed for just sitting on a beach ;)

  5. Gorgeous photos! I love the sunnies, the kimono, the lippies, the nail polish, the sandals...hell, I love it all! And I'm off to Paris for a weekend at the end of the month, hip hip hooray!

    1. Thank you Emma! How exciting to be off for a weekend in Paris, I would love to go n the Summer sometime, but it's just as nice in the Winter. Hope you have a lovely time!

  6. good heavens, you look stunning! i am smitten with this ensemble..that kimono....swoon! how exciting that you get to have another paris adventure! and i bet it is gorgeous in the fall! you should consider making your way to the south. i'm sure you would just love tennessee! ;) xo

  7. Your kimono is stunning! I love this whole ensemble - so much lovely detail! I need to start accessorising more - I tend to just focus on the clothes but then I see outfits like this and realise that the devil really is in the detail. I can't wait to see your next batch of Paris photos - you can help satiate my Paris obsession! My husband is also from Carlow by the way...well 3 miles outside of the town and technically in Laois but close enough :)


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