Thursday, January 2, 2014

2013 in Outfits

Happy New Year readers and friends!

I had no intention of doing any year in review posts but then I saw everyone else's and I enjoyed reading through them so much that I decided it would be fun to do my own. So over the coming week I have three posts for you with an overview of my Outfits, Make Up and Nails of 2013. Hope you enjoy the first of the three. Let me know if you have a favourite. 

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7- 11. Five Outfits

It was actually really fun to look back at what I've worn this past year. Obviously this is only really a glimpse of what I've worn this past year and because I wear my work "uniform" all week it means I like to try out new things at the weekend. I feel like my style has changed somewhat this year and I had a lot of fun experimenting with styles I never would have dared to wear before. It also seemed to be the year of the hat for me as I'm wearing a hat in seven of these photos. I really got into berets buying several on eBay this time last year and I've worn them so much in the cold weather. I hope you enjoyed looking at 2013 in outfits as much as I did.

Keep an eye out for 2013 in Make Up over the weekend. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

Emma x


  1. Hi, Emma! I have a Flickr account but can't access the pictures in this post because it says permission is denied. However, I followed the links at the bottom, visited the original posts and refreshed my memory. It was great to see you having fun with fashion. You showed off some beautiful outfits in 2013 and I look forward to all you have in store in 2014.

    Happy new year, dear friend!

  2. Now I can see your year in review outfit pictures, Emma. Marvelous!

    1. thanks for letting me know Tom, silly flickr has changed! Hope you're well! :)

  3. Lovely. I think my favourite is either the second one or the one with the pink beret. You're like me with your love of accessories and layering xxx

  4. I love the one with the teal skirt and motorcycle jacket! Also your burgundy blazer and your black felt hat and floral dresses and big scarves :) I like that I can see you mix and match some key pieces in your wardrobe in these outfits - some good clothing inspiration! I am in desperate need of a total wardrobe overhaul ... I feel I wear the same pieces of clothing over and over again because I have nothing else.


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