Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I'll Meet You Here Tomorrow, Independence Day

Good evening everyone!

How was your weekend? Did you do anything special for July 4th? As an Irish person I wouldn't normally celebrate Independence day, just because it's never really been an occasion over here. However I love the idea of having picnics and barbeques and fireworks to celebrate your country's independence from another country. Our equivalent in Ireland I suppose would be Saint Patrick's Day (March 17th). Although that's less picnics, barbeques and fireworks and more drink, drink, drink! Anyway, this year my mam happened to win a competition that she entered in Eddie Rockets which is an Irish diner chain. They make the best oreo cookie malts! The prize was 4 tickets to a family day out to celebrate Eddie Rockets 21st birthday and July 4th because it's inspired by the American style 1950s diners. The event was being held at a football club's grounds in Ballsbridge, Dublin. My mam, dad, brother, boyfriend and I all went together (yes that's 5 people not 4!), my dad sort of drove in and parked there and we all just walked in because they weren't checking the tickets. We were given wristbands with tear-off tabs for a complimentary burger, a hotdog, 2 cokes and a heineken (the kids wristbands didn't have the heineken tab obviously, hehe!).

Summer Nights

This guy was so funny, he saw I was taking a photo of him so he gave me this great pose.
He was walking around on stilts for hours, very impressive!

The first band were okay, but the second were a barber shop trio and they weren't the best

Unlimited Candy Floss and Popcorn!

Two of my favourite things

My Baby Brother
, who's 13!

Ice Pops to cool us down

Mam with John Travolta

Watermelon slices to cleanse our palates after the greasy burgers!

There was a giant screen set up which played Grease (one of my all time faves) and then Blues Brothers. There were bouncy castles, inflatable slides and face painting for the kids. The weather was beautiful apart from some dodgy wind! We set up a picnic blanket after queuing for our burgers and fries and beer. We even bumped into a few friends from college who were there filming the event for the company. Unfortunately it was typical Ireland and it started raining halfway through Blues Brothers so we made a run for it back to the car and went home missing the fireworks at the end. But we were very lucky to get such lovely weather for most of the day so I won't complain too much!

Yesterday was another rainy day in Dublin, but thankfully it's gotten less humid. It was getting almost unbearable trying to sleep at night especially in a bedroom with no windows. We're just not equipt for hot weather here so it's either freezing in my apartment in the Winter or sweltering in the Summer because we have no heating or air conditioning. Although having said that, it is nice to have an excuse to buy 2 new wardrobes per year!

Rocket, Parmesan, Pine Nuts, Tomato and Balsamic Salad

We went for lunch with some friends yesterday too which was lovely. I had a burger and rocket salad! Yum! I also went and got a milkshake with my friend Holly who I work with. She's currently taking part in a fashion apprentice type show on TV3 called Style Wars. The winner gets a job working in visual merchandising for a company that owns several high street stores and will co-design the new lingerie range by Caprice (who is also a judge on the show). I'm so proud of her, from the 2 episodes I've seen so far she's really being herself and showing how talented she is, I know she'll do well no matter what happens with the show!

That's Holly on the far right

I'll leave you with the song from which some lyrics are today's post title;

Hope you're having a lovely week so far,


Em xxx


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