Monday, July 26, 2010

So For Once In My Life Let Me Get What I Want

I'm rather looking forward to this week. Monday is almost over, tomorrow I am off work an hour early because I did an extra hour two weeks ago. Then I am going to buy some accessories to go with the new uniform I have picked out in work. Afterwards I'm going to IKEA hopefully to buy myself a nice plant for the apartment and some Daim cake (yum). On Wednesday I'm going to meet my friend and then I get paid on Friday. I like busy weeks! I also have some birthday present shopping to do, which I love!

Today Donnacha and I met Simon and Shona for coffee and muffins at the Bakery in Temple Bar (I'm sure I've mentioned this place a few times), they make a variety of baked goods including brownies, pies, cupcakes, flapjacks and sandwiches all fresh in their kitchen every day. It's the best place for baked goods in Dublin in my opinion and very reasonably priced compared to some other places. Donnacha and I shared a custard chocolate chip muffin, Simon and Shona shared a chocolate fudge brownie. Delicious!

Yummy Coffee

This is the Grattan Bridge, I never noticed these Mer-Horse Statues before

I noticed this on the way home. I've always thought Fishamble Street was a funny name

What I wore today

I haven't worn these earrings a while so I though I'd break them out again

I made my hair up all 40s style today. I think it looked nice, I'll get a better photo of it next time

You can't really see my hair clearly here but I promise it looked good!

I've been messing about with photo editing software a lot lately and these photos are the results. I told my boyfriend I would make him a DVD cover for his last feature film so I'm thinking of doing something with photoshop. I'll keep you posted on the results. I just wanted to ease myself into it and then get onto the more complicated stuff. I'm looking forward to learning all about it!

I was reminded of how much I love this song while watching Never Been Kissed the other day. Not that I need reminding of how much I love The Smiths. It's been covered by Muse and Zooey Deschanel to name a couple but there's nothing like the original. There is a great version at the end of This Is England, the Shane Meadows film which if you haven't seen I can't recommend it highly enough, an absolutely amazing, funny, disturbing and heartbreaking film. So here you go;

Hope you all had a nice start to the week. I'll let you know how IKEA goes!


Em xxx


  1. These pictures are so great! You're gorgeous. Love the blog! Definitely following :) ♥

    Same Page Notion

  2. I love your 40's pictures, you look so lovely! I love that "mer-horse" too, such a cool statue!

  3. lovely pics and lovely song. i knew instantly what the title referred to.

  4. LOVE ikea... and daim! i can't resist the candies when i go, and i eat them too quickly!


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