Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tears and Fears and Feeling Proud, To Say "I Love You" Right Out Loud

Good Evening,

I went to IKEA yesterday and here are the results;

They had special white princess cakes. They're usually green and remind me of a tennis ball

The guys got Swedish meatballs. I had a princess cake instead

My first plant! It's a Dracaena Marginata whatever that is

A variety of Daim goodies

I think I prefered it the first time I went. Yesterday was rather chaotic and I couldn't wait to leave! Also one of the employees was very rude to my boyfriend when he asked the man to correct a mistake made on his receipt. Hmm!

I also bought a few accessories in work yesterday to use up the last bit of my discount before it gets wiped. I took some pictures to show you!

My sister came over yesterday evening and loved this so I gave it to her!

Some bangles to go with my new uniform. It gives you an idea of the colour scheme

I couldn't resist these 80s inspired studs!

I had a lovely lunch with my friend Holly today. We got club sandwiches and coffee! I needed the distraction as I've been having a tough time emotionally this week. There are a few issues to do with several people in my life that I need to work through and I'm finding it very difficult. I was so happy to have Holly's company as she always makes me laugh. I've also talked it out with my boyfriend who advised me on the situation which was a big help. I'm so lucky to have him! I'm hoping to resolve one of the issues by next week so I'll let you know how it goes. Some potentially good news is that we may be possibly getting out rent reduced as the apartment above us has had theirs reduced. Here's hoping our landlord is good to us!

How is your week going so far?

I want to leave you with a song that always makes me cry;

Emma xxx


  1. If I hadn't read your profile I would have guessed your were 100% swedish from that post ;)lol.

    Love the studs! :)

  2. ah i went to IKEA last week! Loving the daim cake! wish i had saved space for a princess cake too- maybe next time!! xxx

  3. That cake looks amazing! I love those stud earrings. Is Daim the same as Dime bar, do you know? Similar packaging!!SarahD:)

  4. It is! They changed the name a while ago. Personally I prefer Dime, but it's still yummy!


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