Monday, August 9, 2010

Flowers On The Walls

Good Evening!

There was another package waiting for me when I got home from work on Friday. However this was not something I bought but instead a nail polish and lip gloss I won in a competition from Glamour magazine. I entered the competition back in May and got a box of fake nails in the post a few weeks later. I didn't think I'd won any of the other prizes and then got this package on Friday! It was a very nice surprise I must say. The nail polish is a coral colour and the lip gloss is a clear one and it smells lovely! I feel rather spoiled, it's nice and I appreciate it more because despite the abundance of new stuff I've shown you on here, I don't actually buy lots of things!

Speaking of free stuff. I got a lovely comment on my last post yesterday from Maria of Lulu Letty saying I had won her Jewel Me Pretty Giveaway! I won $25 store credit so I'll let you know what I decide to get. It's so nice to win something when you're completely not expecting it! Thank you to Maria and Rin of Jewel Me for the generosity!

Yesterday was a lovely sunny day so we went to Dublin Castle and took some photos for my second full outfit post! Here it is;

My Floral Maxi Dress from O Captain. I wanted to wear it full length once before I get it taken up.

My Dear Watson necklace again! The nail polish I'm wearing is the one I won

Swallow Stud Earrings

I love the brightly coloured buildings in Dublin Castle

I don't know what this plant is called but doesn't it look like it's covered in snow!

We ate burgers for lunch and got authentic Italian ice-cream in Botticelli's for dessert. I got Tiramisu, Amaretto and Coffeecrunch! Yum! Then we finished off the evening with some strawberry and lime cider and an intimate gig in Anseo where we watched Rhob Cunningham (Our Little Secrets) play.

Here are some photos from yesterday that I messed around with;

How was your weekend? I had a lovely one! I have less than one week left of being 23 and only 3 days until my holidays from work! I'm not going anywhere but it will be nice to have nothing at all to do. I have some fun things planned though!

I shall leave you with a video of Rhob when he played support for Tori Amos in The Iveagh Gardens in June. Let me know what you think!

Em xxx


  1. I love getting prizes! Great dress, love the earrings and your make-up is flawless.:)SarahD

  2. Your beautiful and what a pretty dress!



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