Thursday, August 5, 2010

Pretty Packages and an Early Birthday Present

Don't you just love getting packages? I got another one today. It's so exciting! I think that's half the fun of getting presents at Christmas and birthdays. The anticipation of seeing what's inside! My package today was a necklace I ordered from BrideBlu on Etsy. I first saw the necklace here on Maria's blog Lulu Letty and I fell in love with how delicate it looked and the beautiful colour. Luckily for me, I was able to order one and at a very reasonable price. I can see myself wearing it with a lot of outfits, I just love it! Here it is;

I also got an early birthday present from my boyfriend today. He went shopping for it today and came home and told me it was really cool so of course me being the most curious person in the world, I was dying to know what it was. I think he was as excited as I was so he offered to let me have it early and as you can imagine it didn't take too much convincing! He handed me a paper bag from Avoca and inside was this;

A Moomin Wallet!!!

Isn't it great! I actually cried, I can't believe I did, but there you go! I didn't even know these things existed! It's such a nice wallet aswell, the brown faux leather inside, the pink outside. It's so perfect for me! Thank you Donnacha!

I got this charm bracelet today for my sister. Well I didn't actually pay for it, she bought a ring in my work on Friday but it broke the first time she wore it so I went to exchange it today and got her something else because apparently that particular ring has been returned broken several times so it must not be the best quality. I hope she'll like it!

So there you go, a quick post today. I was going to wait until I took some outfit photos for my next post to tell you about the things I got today but I was so excited I couldn't wait!

It's almost the weekend! Hope your week is going well.

Em xxx


  1. ooo i love getting packages in the thing ever...even if its just a letter or postcard :) love your new treasures, especially the necklace <3

  2. So many wonderful things Emma! I'm so happy you ordered a necklace from BrideBlu, isn't it just beautiful.

    So I have a surprise for you, you won the Jewel Me Pretty giveaway on my blog!!

    Send me an email mariaconfer[at]gmail[dot]com!

    Lulu Letty

  3. I love getting packages!! Best thing ever. That charm bracelet is fab.:)sarahD


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