Friday, August 20, 2010

This Must Be The Place

So I guess this my third official outfit post. Take a gander and if you have any thoughts, leave a comment! I'd love to know what you think!

My knotted earrings

My Cookie K's Vintage boots from my last post

I got this vintage 80s dress last year from an ebay store called The Ragged Priest. It's a great store that uses recycled materials to package it's items for shipping. My dress came wrapped up in an old newspaper comic. I thought it was a nice idea

I love my red polka dot scarf. I bought it last year on sale in the kids section at work. I've worn it so many times!

I went to see Piranha 3D today. I'm not really a big fan of the whole 3D thing because of the amount of films that seem to just fall back on it as a device to get people to see a film that they ordinarily wouldn't (because they're usually terrible). Well this one is definitely worth seeing! It's completely ridiculous and there is quite a bit of gratuitous nudity and gore, but it's all for comedic value. It's played completely straight by the actors and I think that's what makes it so good! It also stars the lovely Adam Scott (Step Brothers, Parks and Recreation and Party Down) who I'm totally crushing on right now!

Image found here

Have you got any exciting plans for the weekend?
I'm helping out on a film shoot all day tomorrow (that's 8am to 10.30pm). Wish me luck!

I'll leave you with one of my favourite Talking Heads songs!

Love Em xxx


  1. Ohhh, that's one of my ALL time favourite songs, as well. And cute earrings!
    -Andi x

  2. Oh wow, what a beautiful outfit :)) That dress is great!


  3. I like the outfit, especially the earrings and the headband.

    I've been dying to see Piranha 3-D!

  4. I love the last photo of your outfit. The red of your headband is so pretty.


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