Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It Rains A Lot This Time Of Year

Yesterday my boyfriend made a full Irish breakfast for my sister and I. Afterwards we walked to the post office to pick up my package from Cookie K's Vintage. I ordered some boots last week and they arrived very quickly! They fit me perfectly which is great because I'm always a bit apprehensive buying shoes online especially with the difference between US and European sizes. Here they are;

I was looking for a pair of boots like these on Etsy for a while but it's very hard to find any in my size.
Then I came across these and they were exactly what I was looking for in my exact size!

Megan sent a lovely little handwritten postcard with the boots. I thought it was such a nice personal touch!

Simon collected us at the post office and we drove out to Killiney beach. Donnacha and Cian went swimming while Shona and I paddled in the shallow water. It's a very stoney beach so I couldn't stand in the water for long because the stones hurt my feet! Instead I buried my feet in the sand. We also had a stone skimming competition, which ended in everyone just grabbing handfuls of stones and throwing them into the sea. We went in search of somewhere to eat, but no one had any ideas so we just went back to our apartment and got fish and chips in Burdocks. Then we bought some beer and went to Simon's house and played an alternate version of pictionary which involved some very strange drawings. We also played Tekken 3, and started Monopoly but a very long and pointless argument over the rules ensued and we gave up!

I love staying up late, it's nice to be able to stay up late this week because normally I have to go to bed early because I get up very early for work. I'm a bit of a night owl and I can survive on very little sleep, having said that it does mean I miss out on half of the day because I sleep in, it's nice do it for my holidays but I do like having the routine of a set wake-up time every day.


Killiney Beach

Donnacha's Underwater Handstand

So that's been my week off so far. Have you been having a good week?


Emma xxx

1 comment:

  1. I love those shoes!!!! And the postcard is amazing!


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