Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My Birthday Weekend

I had a really lovely Birthday on Sunday. After a pancake breakfast, Donnacha and I got the DART out to Dun Laoghaire to meet my mam, dad and brother. We ate lunch and then my mam and I had a look around the Antiques Fair in the Royal Marine Hotel while the boys went for a walk. I had never been to anything antiques related before so it was a really nice introduction to it all. There was some great stuff, but I didn't buy anything. My mam and I are going to go to the Vintage Clothing and Décor Fair in the same hotel in October where there is a best dressed competition, retro makeovers and vintage fashion show. There aren't too many things like this on in Ireland so I'm really looking forward to it.

Me and my mam

The Royal Marine Hotel

A taxidermy badger head

If you can't read this it says, "May the road rise to meet you, may the wind always be at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your face, the rain fall softly upon your fields and until we meet again may God hold you in the hollow of his hand"

These jellyfish are bad!

Dun Laoghaire Pier

It was a beautiful, hot, sunny day

On Sunday evening I had some drinks in my apartment with some friends while listening to records. We went out late and couldn't find anywhere that wasn't doing last orders so we went to Eddie Rockets and got food! I also got a free Birthday Brownie!

The Smiths Records

Simon and I

My sister Kate and I

A Golden Gnome with a rude hand gesture in a gallery on the way home

A couple of weeks ago I entered a competition to win tickets to the Irish premiere of Scott Pilgrim Vs The World that was screening tonight. I didn't win tickets so we decided to go down to the cinema anyway in the chance that we might get to see the stars of the film on their way in. We waited outside in the rain for about an hour chatting and speculating as to who would show up. There was a large enough crowd gathering inside the cinema lobby and there were barriers up but we stayed outside to see them coming out of the cars.

Dedicated fans

So as we were waiting we saw a woman come out with a clipboard giving out spare tickets so we ran over and asked for some and low and behold we got one each! There was a Q&A before the film with director Edgar Wright, Michael Cera, Jason Schwartzman and Anna Kendrick. I'm such a huge fan of all of them, but especially Jason, if you haven't heard his band Coconut Records yet I would recommend giving them a try. They have two albums out of some great pop songs. He also has a very funny show called Bored to Death on HBO, that had it's first season last year. It's about a writer turned private detective and Zach Galifianakis plays his friend in it too. He's such a talented actor and musician so it was great to be able to see him in person. The film was awesome too! My boyfriend had first told me about it last year when they started filming because he was following Edgar Wrights production blog. We both love his first two films, Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz so we were expecting a lot and we weren't disappointed! It was such a nice surprise because we weren't expecting to see the film, so getting the tickets at the last minute like that was a real treat!

Here are some of my birthday presents;

Kitten Brooches from Simon and Shona

Little My change purse from Simon and Shona

A selection of candy

White Chocolate Mice

My Christina Hendricks wrapping paper

Some awesome records!

DVDs Donnacha got for me

So that was my birthday. I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I'm taking full advantage of my week off so far!


Em xxx


  1. Sounds like a delightful day! Your outfit is so vintagey and adorable.

  2. oh happy (late) birthday, your outfit is lovely! And I was happy to see moomins there, I LOVE moomins! Everyone in Finland loves them :)


  3. Amazing pictures. Love your outfit, you look stunning! And that dessert looks so delicious.:)SarahD


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