Saturday, August 14, 2010

This Flower Is Scorched, This Film Is On

Today was another beautifully sunny day in Dublin. After a breakfast of porridge, yoghurt and green tea with cranberry, Donnacha and I wandered into town to meet Simon and Shona at the market in Temple Bar. I got my exceptionally large head measured for my hat which the lovely John Shevlin of Shevlin Millinery is custom making for me! He said it would be ready either next Saturday or during the following week. I'm so excited, I really can't wait!

We took a look around the Temple Bar Food Market, which made us hungry so we went in search of somewhere to have lunch. We ended up at the Cappucino Bar and sat outside because it was so nice. Simon and I had club sandwiches, Donnacha had a burger and Shona had soup.

After lunch we explored the thrift and charity shops in the Temple Bar/Georges Street area. We visited Lucy's Lounge which I had never been in, but kept meaning to visit. It was really great, I want to go back again and have a better look though. Then we went to some charity shops including Oxfam and Enable Ireland and then to the Market Arcade.

This blown up photograph of the market arcade from years ago was hanging on one of the walls

This is what the same area looks like now

Shona found this receipt in an old DIY book. Check out the date!

A hologram framed picture of some cute kittens!

This archway is beside the back entrance to Dublin Castle. I think I'll do an outfit post here sometime soon, I really like it

If you click on this photo to enlarge it, you can see the moon!

Hope you had a lovely Saturday. It's my birthday tomorrow!

I'll leave you with one of my all time favourite songs

Love Emma xxx


  1. beautiful shots of the city! i especially like the old photograph. :)

    Also, I wanted to thank you for your comment on my fashion blues post. gosh, you're so right about the perspective thing.. you guys really laid it out on the table for me with your comments. They really have brought me out of my rut! isn't it funny how bad you want all these silly materialistic things when you see them day after day. I've always written my blog for me, but it's so hard not to covet what everyone else is wearing when it's right there in your face. You guys helped me see that you don't like me b/c of the shoes I wear... :)

  2. Lovely photos! This looks like the perfect Summer.


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