Friday, August 13, 2010

We're All In The Gutter But Some Of Us Are Looking At The Stars

Today I had a lovely lie in. It's nice to have time off work, it really does make you appreciate the free time you have. I met my mam for lunch today. My second birthday lunch as she called it! She took me to the Avoca shop where Donnacha bought my Moomin wallet. There is a restaurant there too where they make the most delicious food. I got a crispy panchetta salad with baby rocket and chard lettuce, cherry tomatoes, avocado, smoked cashews and almonds and balsamic dressing. The portions are a great size too so it really fills you nicely. My mam had this flaky salmon creamy thing with homemade brown bread, salad and this relish thing. It was lovely too!

Then we went to look at hats in the Cow Lane Design Studio in Temple Bar and she got me a voucher to buy a hat for my birthday! I have to go to get my head measured tomorrow because they are custom made. I'll show it to you when I get it, I think it will probably take a week or so at least. I'm so excited because I'm always put off buying hats because they never fit my big head. haha! We saw them a few months ago and my mam said she wanted to buy me one for my birthday because she has the same problem with finding hats even though she's a lot tinier than me. So thank you mammy for my lovely birthday present (and lunch)! You're the best!

My yummy salad!

Speaking of my birthday, it's on Sunday so we're planning on going to the Antiques and Collectors Fair in Dun Laoghaire on Sunday afternoon. I'm really excited because there was a Vintage Fashion and Décor Fair in April and I didn't get to go, but they're having another one in October so I'll be sure to go to that. Admission is €3.50, which is a donation to the RNLI (Royal National Lifeboats Institution). On Sunday evening I am having some friends over to my apartment and then we are going out for cocktails! I can't wait, hopefully I'll get some nice pictures to show you.

I made a lovely dinner last night of roast chicken and potatoes, parmesan parsnips, roast carrots, stuffing and gravy! I was delicious even if I do say so myself. I always attempt to emulate my parents cooking and I think this attempt at the roast potatoes is the closest I've come.

This evening I was catching up on all the latest posts from my favourite bloggers and I read this post by Starr of A Thought Is The Blossom and it really got me thinking because I related so much to what she said and it appears that a lot of other bloggers do to from the comments I read below the post. One of the comments was from Gina of So Silky So Round who left a link to this article from the NY Times about the question of whether consumerism makes us happy.

I recommend reading this article as I certainly found it interesting especially about the fact that money spent on experiences like holidays and concerts is better than money spent on material goods because it gives us memories and experiences which we can look back on in years to come. Another interesting point was that retailers are now having to work harder on customer service to ensure people have a good experience shopping and that they spend longer time with the customers and work to ensure repeat business by showing the customer that you have something other retailers don't have, an appreciation for each and every customer.

It's certainly something that I have noticed more and more in my job with the current economical climate. Part of our job on the shop floor involves making sure that every single person who comes into the store is greeted by a member of staff and offered assistance. It's something that I find a little annoying when in other shops, that someone comes over to you straight away and asks you if you need anything but I suppose I'm mostly always "just looking" as I tell them so I never really need assistance. Having said that though, the amount of times I have had rude staff just brush me off is amazing! Sometimes you'd swear they didn't even consider the fact that essentially you are paying their wages. Which is the way I look at it in work, every time I serve a customer I think "this person is paying for part of my rent, or tonight's dinner". That's not to say that it is always so easy. Sometimes there are people who just seem to want to make your life difficult to make themselves feel better. My approach to that has always been to smile and be polite and genuine and always apologise profusely. After all, even if they really are not, the customer is always right.

Reading Starr's post made me think about my own motives for starting to blog and about the clothes I buy and the whole idea of fashion and trends and designers. By my own admission I've never been a follower of "fashion" and I've never bought anything just because it is part of a trend. If I happen to buy something that is "on trend" it is because I genuinely like it and will wear it long after it has become unfashionable. I've never thought of myself as stylish or fashionable. I wear what I like and what I feel comfortable in.

One of the things I dislike the most about myself is that for the life of me I cannot wear heels. I love how other people look in them, but I just find them so uncomfortable. Any time I buy them it's under the allusion that I they will somehow cease to be painful when I take them home, but they always sit in my wardrobe unworn. The only pair of heels I've ever bought that are comfortable are a pair of tan mary janes from Marks and Spencers that have a 3 inch heel. So basically I just never wear them even though I wish so much that I could. I know there are people who wear heels every day and look great and I envy them, but you never know, maybe they go home and have to soak their feet every night from the pain. Like Starr said, I am also 5'7" so I always feel like a giant and that I stand out too much when I wear them which I really don't like.

Before starting to read blogs I didn't really know about designers. I knew their names, but not their creations. I do find myself becoming more interested in designers especially the likes of Lena Hoschek whose creations I would have no problem wearing because they are exactly the kind of style I would love to have. I think that is what I always look for in a designer. Yes the clothes can be beautiful, but would I actually wear the them? Mostly the answer to that is no because the clothes are always made for a models figure whereas I am on the more "curvy" end of the scale so I know they could never look as good on the models as they do on me and that on fine by me because they are too expensive anyway!

I think reading blogs and writing blogs is really helping me to figure out what I like and don't like and what suits me and what doesn't. It also gives me a creative output that I have been craving for years after being put off art by my secondary school art teacher and filmmaking by certain people who shall remain nameless (not Donnacha). But the way I look at it, if I wanted to pursue these things enough I would do it in spite of my bad experiences. For now I am concentrating on photography as it is always something I have loved. My boyfriend has just bought a new camera so I am going to steal it and try to give photography a go with a better camera. I would also like to start drawing and painting again. I am very much out of practice so I need to start from scratch but I think doing the things you love makes you a happier person.

My aim hope through writing this blog is that I am being myself and learning about myself and about all of you. My favourite thing about blogging is reading about other people's lives from all around the world and hopefully those of you who read this will enjoy finding out a little bit about me.

Well I am going to leave it at that, I think I have said enough for tonight except this, which is to any of you who feel like Starr is and like I can feel sometimes. Find what you love and do what makes you happy. Material possessions won't comfort you or hold your hand or hug you or share experiences with you. As long as you are happy and healthy that is what really counts.

I love reading what you all have to say, if you have an opinion about this feel free to leave a comment. It seems to be something we all experience now and again.

Have you got any exciting plans for the weekend?

Love Em xxx

*Post Title is a quote from Oscar Wilde

1 comment:

  1. hello sweet emma :) thank you for your lovely comment. I'm using Nikon D40. It's not one of the best cameras in the market but it's pretty good

    Love, Daniela


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