Monday, September 6, 2010

Nice Day For A White Wedding

Well I have some exciting news that prevented me from doing my planned post on Saturday. So I thought I'd dedicate a post to the reason why. My little sister got engaged on Saturday afternoon! She sent me a message with the caption "Guess What?" and a picture of her engagement ring adorned hand with the beach in the background! Straight away I smiled the biggest smile and went to text her back saying "No Way!" and then I burst into tears! Haha! I'm a bit of a sucker like that. Donnacha asked what was wrong and I showed him the picture and through my tears of joy said "my little sister is engaged". She rang me afterwards and told me he proposed on their favourite bench on the beach in Skerries and of course I started crying again, the romantic sap that I am.

So my mam rang me then completely over the moon! She said she would collect Donnacha and I later in the evening and bring us back to Skerries so we could have a drink to celebrate. Here are some photos Donnacha took of the celebrations;

The Happy Couple

My Little Brother Jack

Ordering some Chinese food to celebrate

My mam and I

My Granny, she already had a list of jobs around the house for Eric. Poor guy! Welcome to the family, lol!

So that was the excitement of my weekend! How was your's? Congratulations once more to Kate and Eric, I'm so happy for you both! I get to be a bridesmaid! Yay!

I'll leave you with an 80s classic to mark the occasion;

Have a lovely evening,

Em xxx