Friday, September 3, 2010

Un, Deux, Trois


The back to school weather strikes again! Another hot day in Dublin. The weather really has been gorgeous this week. Unfortunately though I'm not feeling very well so I stayed in today and experimented with the lenses on Donnacha's new camera taking photos of some of the things I bought to go with my uniform in work today. Here they are;

I also received my second package from Jewel Me Pretty. If you haven't already taken a look at the store I really encourage you to do so. Buying something from Rin is worth it for the packaging alone! I photographed the package for you to see;

How cute is this?!

The camera takes some great photos right? I used the macro lens and 3 close up lenses to get the extreme close ups. It's so fun playing with the camera! So what do you think of my Jewel Me Pretty package? I love it, the Kitty necklace is just the cutest thing!
I can't wait to lie in tomorrow, we haven't made any plans yet but if the weather is nice we will hopefully get to go out and enjoy the last days of summer. Have you any exciting plans for the weekend?

This song is really growing on me. It doesn't hurt that a have a bit of a crush on Mark Ronson. What do you think?

Emma xxx


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