Thursday, September 2, 2010

You're The Only Thing I Ever Want Anymore

The weather today was beautiful. It was so hot and sunny! After work I went to Dublin Castle and read the new Elle and had some lemonade and a pastry. It was so nice and relaxing, until some junkies came along and started rolling spliffs under the bridge. Typical! Haha! Then Donnacha and I went to collect some packages at the post office. Mine was my hat, I love it! Not as much as my birthday hat obviously, but it's very nice. When we got home I let Donnacha assemble my desk because I'm generous like that, lol, it wasn't easy because the screwdrivers we bought we really rubbish. Eventually though, he did it and now I have a cute little corner of my own with my desk! Here is photographic evidence of my day;

I don't know why they chose Kate Hudson to be on the 25th Anniversary Special Collector's Issue, I guess I'll have to read it to find out!

What do you think of my little corner? I like having my own space to work

Some books I'm planning on reading at some stage. I'm not a very dedicated reader so I have to make myself do it, but once I do I'm usually very happy I did

My Moomin photo clippy thing that I forgot to put in my Moomin post and is now on my desk

My new leather shoes. They're a bit big so I'll have to wear thick socks with them

My new dress from Etsy. I love the gold buttons!

The hat. I'll try to get some photos of myself wearing it at the weekend

For those of you who do not live here, there's an Irish music festival taking place this weekend called Electric Picnic. Roxy Music, Massive Attack, The National, Modest Mouse, Eels, Hot Chip and Villagers are playing to name a few. I really don't like festivals and I think more people go for the weekend that's in it than the music which makes me sad because they'll get to see bands I love and they've never even heard of :( But it's okay, I'm going to get a ticket to Beach House and Arcade Fire (hopefully) so that should make up for it. I'm mostly sad I'm missing The National! Well I hope those of you who are going make the most of it and please, please go and see the bands listed above because they're all great! Oh and "Try not to wonder what the weather will be".

To honour the fact that they will be playing this weekendI'm leaving you with another National song. Enjoy!

Em xxx

PS. I just want to congratulate my childhood friend Colette who got engaged today! xxx


  1. My sister is off to Electric Picnic this weekend. She's crazy about music and a festival junkie. Electric Picnic is definitely one of the best though :) Btw, your items look very very cute and your desk too :)

  2. Oooh, I love festivals and Electric Picnic sounds like a riot! Too bad you don't like it and is missing out on The National.
    And today on my way home I think I'll stop by a magazine shop and see if I can find that Elle, it looks so tempting :)

    Have a lovely weekend!

  3. I am loving that hat. I wish I lived nearby so I could see Modest Mouse at the festival!

  4. Moomin photo clippy thing!!! I want it! xx


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