Sunday, November 14, 2010

My Kingdom For A Kiss Upon Her Shoulder

As promised here are the photos I wanted to take yesterday. I'm glad I got to take them today instead because the weather was really nice. The sky was blue and the air was crisp, but the sun warmed us up. I don't mind the coldness of the winter when the weather is like it was today.

My loafers are from gottabvintage on etsy, my hat is from ebay, my earrings are from Freedom at Topshop, the cardigan is my sisters and my skirt is from penneys.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank Donnacha for being so generous and patient in taking these photos for me. Although sometimes it's hard to get across to him what I want with the photos, he always does an excellent job with them, probably because he sees things differently to how I see them. I'm so lucky to have someone who is so willing to do this for me and never complains about it even when I'm being a perfectionist or getting antsy when there's people around staring at us. He always wants to bring out the best in me and is always encouraging me to smile (not just in photos) which I am so thankful for because those are always my favourite shots. So thank you Donnacha for everything, you're the best boyfriend a girl could hope for!

Okay, the mushyness is over! Heehee! Hope you're all having a lovely weekend and that you're getting nice weather like we are here.

Today's post title is one of my favourite song lyrics. Jeff Buckley is just one of those people who had an incredible way with words, I could listen to his voice sing those beautiful words all day! I hope you enjoy this as much as I do.


  1. you always get the best lighting in your photos, so pretty

  2. Lovely outfit post and photographs also.

    I love Jeff Buckley also!


  3. Beautiful. The outfit is cute and the photos are great. Looks like you're having a beautiful day, indeed. :)


  4. Beautiful pictures. Beautiful weather. Beautiful shoes.

  5. Just found your blog and followed it... really pretty and you take such amazing photos!!

    x x

  6. This blog is really look beuatiful, I love your earrings :)

  7. You are adorable :-) These pics are so pretty! Has anyone told you that you look like Regina Spektor!?


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