Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Some Blogs I Love

Since the lovely Carrie of WishWishWish has written about some of her favourite blogs in her latest post I got inspired and thought I would blatantly copy her and do the same thing. I've been meaning to since I started this blog and I haven't as of yet. Since joining the blogging world as a reader at first last year I have come across hundreds of amazing people through my reading of their blogs. I try to read as many as I can every day, but I also love to leave a build up of posts and spend a while reading on rainy afternoons. Since you probably already know some of my favourites (if you've read my blog before) or from my blogroll on the right hand side, I thought I'd share with you some more favourites. Hopefully you'll find them as enjoyable as I do!


Casey's blog is the first I read when I started reading blogs last year. I discovered it through a video she posted on youtube for vintage hairstyles when I was doing some research for how to wear my hair for a wedding (that I ended up not going to). I loved her videos and then when I discovered her blog I was hooked! I love how she mixes vintage style with handmade items and cute details. She's so talented at making her own clothes (something I still want to do myself) and posts the most detailed and helpful how to guides to sewing and her vintage patterns are amazing. I suppose it's really Casey that first inspired me to start my own blog. She also seems like a really nice person! Check out her blog Casey Brown Designs here!


Maebh, or cool Maebh as we call her is actually a friend of mine and Donnachas. Donnacha met her in our college drama society back in first year of college five years ago! I didn't even know she had a blog until she posted a link to it on her facebook page and then I discovered she has three! What I love about Maebh's blog is that she takes almost daily photographs around Dublin city and county of the most ordinary and mundane things and makes them look beautiful and interesting! Dublin Snaps is her daily photo blog, Curious Mermaid is her street art and graffiti photo blog and Beauty is in the Eye of the Clutch Holder is her style/fashion blog.

Jen (and Kev and Rowan)

I'm pretty sure I discovered Jen loves Kev through Lulu Letty. I read through her archive one day and then began following daily through her accounts of how her pregnancy was going as well as her style files. What I love about Jen is her complete honesty. She's so willing to be open with her readers and ask for advice about being a new mother. I love how she includes her beautiful family in her posts and informs us of little Rowan's developments. Jen also has the cutest style. I love how she puts things together and especially that she continued her style files through her pregnancy showing women that you can look just as stylish when you're pregnant. She really is an inspiration to mothers and bloggers everywhere!


I think I found Cosmicaroline through a comment she left on my blog. Straight away I loved her diverse posts about style, make-up, photography, music, art and animals! She is always introducing me to new things. I'm always amazed at how beautiful and unique her outfits are, especially the little details like her nails and jewellery and gorgeous floral headpieces. She puts pieces together in such an unobvious way. She visited Ireland this summer but unfortunately I didn't get to meet her. She also sings in not one but two bands!


What immediately drew me to Jennifer's blog SallyJane Vintage was the amazing photographs of her. Her photos are always immaculate, taken in the most unusual and beautiful of places from fields to abandoned factories or just on a pretty street somewhere, they are always so stunning. She runs her own etsy shop full of gorgeous pieces and puts together such elegant outfits for her photos. There is something so calming and peaceful about her blog. She also has great taste in music!

Well there you have it, my pick of five blogs I love to read. I had such a hard time choosing which ones to share with you because there are so many I read and love. I couldn't include everyone but that doesn't mean I don't love you! I'll hopefully do another one of these soon so that I can share more great people with you. I also want to take this opportunity to thank you all for your lovely comments about my new hair and other things. I sincerely appreciate that you take the time to read about my little life.


Love Emma xxx

1 comment:

  1. They've got some really awesome photos and nice style!

    Thanks for sharing :) x x


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