Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Oh, But Your Wish Is My Command

I went to see Beach House in Vicar St. last night with Donnacha. He was doing an interview with the support band Lower Dens beforehand and came home to drop off his equipment (we only live 5 minutes from the venue) and collect me in time for the show. We managed to get pretty close to the front despite arriving only ten minutes before the band came on. We even bumped into our friend Dave in the crowd and some other people we knew. Beach House played an AMAZING show! If you haven't heard them yet I can't recommend them highly enough! I didn't really know much of their stuff when we saw them in Whelans earlier this year, but seeing them live made me want to hear more and then I became a little obsessed (I tend to do that a lot with albums I love).

They played most of their latest album Teen Dream and a few songs from their first two albums. The stage looked incredible too, as you'll see below there were three huge triangle lights on the stage that went different colours for each song and then the black backdrop had hundreds of tiny lights on it that flashed like crazy for a few of the songs.

Here are some photos from last night, I could only bring my small Samsung camera and it doesn't take great photos in low light so I did my best but I think you get the idea, I just wanted to show you all the different colours, it looked so good!

Afterwards we got pizza in our favourite pizza takeaway on Thomas Street called Vincenzo's (€5 for a 9" and 2 toppings ain't bad!) and watched Walking Dead and Conan from last week with Jon Hamm as a guest.

Have you been to any great gigs recently? Today I slept in and Donnacha went out to get me a mocha and croissant for breakfast, then we went to the post office to collect another package the contents of which I will share with you tomorrow. We watched some more Weeds with Simon too, we're nearly finished the sixth season.

Hope you had a good start to the week. Here's some more Beach House, let me know what you think if you get a chance to listen to them!

Love Emma


  1. I had never heard of beach house before but I am like this video (and the fringe on her blouse). Going to check out more of their stuff. Thanks for the recommendation

  2. sooooooooo lucky! beach house is on my ever-growing list of people to see perform live! i bet they were amazing! and here's the kicker...i have music playing as i peruse blogs [daily routine!] and wedding bell by beach house was playing when i read this post! freaky! :)
    and you've seen fleetwood mac too?!! aren't you thankful for parents that raised us on good music?! i grew up listening to van morrison [best musician that has ever lived!]fleetwood mac, carly simon...the list goes on.
    that's why we have such fabulous taste in music! :)


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