Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Jewel Me Pretty

This is the package I received in the post yesterday. I ordered some more things from Jewel Me Pretty because Rin is currently having a half price sale! The prices were already great, but with the sale it's seriously worth checking out if you have any Christmas presents to buy or if you're just looking for something nice for yourself! Here's what I bought;

I know I've said it before but I just love the way Rin packages all the items! She even sent me the little pink hair pin too!

Donnacha's dog Snapper is very sick and his mam thinks he doesn't have long left so we're going to visit them tomorrow so Donnacha can say goodbye. They've had him for about 12 years since he was a puppy. Donnacha was choosing which puppy to pick and Snapper got sick on his chest and he knew that was the puppy for him! I've always thought that was such a cute story! He has a tumor on his liver and thankfully doesn't seem to be in much pain but he's still very sick. It's hard for me to relate to losing a family pet because we didn't have any pets growing up. We have a cat now, but only for the past 4 years and she's not a very nice cat so I don't think I'd miss her, but my mam loves her! Snapper is a great dog though, he has such a personality and is very loving for a dog. I can't wait until Donnacha and I move to a bigger place so that we can get our own dog.

We took some outfit photos today so be sure to check back for another post soon!

Hope you all are having a good week so far!

Love Em xx


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