Friday, November 26, 2010

Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground

So these are the photos we took yesterday. I wanted to showcase my new budget furs. They really are so warm and so inexpensive at just €10 for the snood and hat! I felt so cosy in the crisp Winter air. Dublin Castle was almost deserted apart from a few tourists, which is great for taking photos. We took a lot more photos than we normally would because it was so quiet which meant I was more easily coaxed into standing out in the open. It was good in one way because it meant we got to take more interesting shots and there was a bigger selection to choose from, but it also meant I got a bit giddy and made a lot of goofy faces, which I might share with you in a special outtakes post.

Ok so I know that's a lot of photos, but I really liked so many so I thought, why not show you more than I normally would? Thanks again to Donnacha for his patience and talent in taking the photos with me!

Don't you love the colour of the leaves?

I'm getting a touch up on my hair colour tomorrow and doing some Christmas shopping, might try fit in a trip to the cinema too if I have time!

Here's the video to my favourite White Stripes song directed by Michel Gondry;

Em xxx


  1. Amazing photos ... your lip colour really suits you! xx

  2. you look great in these photos but you always do. Oh and I am doing a post about the white stripes tomorrow. They just happen to be my favorite band and I love this song

  3. Love this post! My favorite picture of you is the fifth before the video post ... it's beautiful! Lovely matte lipstick.

    You could change your profile pic so often, you have such beautiful photos!

    Thank you.

  4. just discovered your blog and i must say i love your photos <3
    btw beautiful lip color

  5. I love this photo set they are all so pretty.


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